Thursday, October 31, 2019
Introduction to Business Law Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Introduction to Business Law - Case Study Example The other party (Nuriya) cannot perform work that is significantly different than what is expected. Concerning the Act mentioned above, but in section 17 of Part II, applies to this situation and will be specially applied to this case as well. Throughout most of this remaining piece the Unfair Contract Terms will be abbreviated as â€Å"UCT†for convenience. It may appear that Nuriya did not conduct work that was unexpected of Flavio and Marco because they read the contract and made a payment that all agreed upon at that time was pertaining to the contract mentioned. Both Flavio and Marco did in fact â€Å"insist†on differences before agreement of the contract was made and those two made it clear that Nuriya should make these changes, the reasonable individual(s) would have known that Nuriya did not want to make such changes. The reason this is so is because Nuriya had added the clause â€Å"The agreement will be carried out under the conditions set up on Nuriyas previous communication.†The addition of this clause undoubtedly changes the conditions of the contract and if the other parties knowingly reads and made payment to this particular change then any payments to Nuriya would likely imply an understanding of the contract by Flavio and Marco. The other party (Nuriya) has not performed differently than what is expected. As per Schedule Two of the UCT Act (1977) â€Å"whether the customer knew or ought reasonably to have known of the existence and the extent of the term (having regard, among other things, to any custom of the trade and any previous course of dealing between the parties) is relevant here. More plainly, the contract possessed new language, and quite arguably Flavio and Marco should have known the new conditions written, and that signing the contract and additionally making a first payment to Nuriya after signing the contract would
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Diabetic neuropathy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Diabetic neuropathy - Essay Example st likely causes of nerve damage include hereditary qualities that lender an individual susceptible to nerve infection, physical injury caused to the nerves, lifestyle characteristics such as smoking and alcohol usage. In addition, the other causes are metabolic aspects such as irregular blood fat levels, low levels of insulin, high blood glucose and neurovascular factors, which result to the damage to the blood vessels that carry oxygen and nutrients to the nerves (Benjamin, n.d.). Some patients will have no symptoms while others may show a range of signs including pain and numbness for starters. Symptoms of nerve damage may include erectile malfunction in males, vaginal dehydration in females, deteriorating of the muscles of the feet or hands, indigestion, nausea, weakness, difficulties during urination, numbness, tingling, pain in the arms and legs, constipation or diarrhea and finally wooziness as a result of a drop in blood pressure after standing up (Tesfaye, 2009). Other symptoms like loss in weight and depression have been reported in some patients, but they are not as a result of neuropathy, but often go together with it. There are various types of diabetic neuropathies which usually have varied effects to its patients such as autonomic neuropathy that causes hypoglycemia unawareness and changes in bladder role, perspiration and sexual response in patients. Focal neuropathy causes an unexpected weakness of nerves resulting to muscle weakness. Proximal neuropathy results to pain in the leg muscles like the thighs causing a weakness in the legs and finally the peripheral neuropathy mainly results to pain in the arms and legs (Veves, 2006). There is also the autonomic neuropathy will mostly affect sex organs, urinary track, digestive system and blood vessels, and focal neuropathy that affects the abdomen, facial muscles, chest, and pelvis and lower back (Veves and Rayaz, 2007). Futhermore, ther is proximal neuropathy will specialize with the legs and
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Sociological Concepts of Stigma and Health Impacts
Sociological Concepts of Stigma and Health Impacts This essay is going to discuss the sociological idea of stigma and its effect on an individual, furthermore this essay will also define other concepts in relation to stigma such as the ‘Hidden Distress Model’. We will also discuss examples of this health illness in order to demonstrate the impact of stigmatization and their ‘Coping Strategies’. Moreover this essay will study how different individuals within society react to people with mental disabilities and other health illness for instance HIV and AIDS and how some individual in society find stigma more fearful than the condition they have been diagnosed in, for example a person who has been in a socially stigmatizing condition may feel discriminated and isolation and pain due to their illness. To address the issue of stigmatization, firstly it’s important to clarify whether or not there is a link between social integration and health. A study carried out by Berkman and Syme (1979) states the extent of individual’s integration within society has a significant effect on their health. In their research they identified two forms of ‘network scores’. They established that those with ‘low network scores’ had a higher mortality rate compared to those that had high ‘network scores’ (Nettleton 2006). Stigma refers to a negatively well-defined condition, attribute, trait or behaviour conferring a deviant status which is socially, culturally or historically not the same. (Gabe et al, 2004). The word stigma was defined by the Greeks, they used the term to refer to the bodily signs a person had this could be cuts or burns. They intended the term to those whom they believed to be socially outsiders such as slaves or criminals, mainly those who were unhygienic or diseased would be avoided by people. (Gabe et al, 2004) Goffman (1963) refers stigma as the difference between the virtual social identity, which is the stereotyped made in everyday life and the real social identity and stigma is the relationship between characteristics and stereotype. This two concepts – ‘Virtual Social Identity’ which is the stereotypes attributes we think we attain and ‘Actual Social Identity’ relates to the attributes an individual actually has. We will pay particular attention to Actual Social Identity, this concept is when a person actually possess the signs of a stigma. Goffman says that ‘stigma is a special kind of relationship between attribute and stereotype’, and therefore people get stigmatized for the reason that their illness is obvious, for instance if a patient is deaf, blind or unable to walk therefore in a wheelchair or uses a hearing aid, in society they are seen as being abnormal because they don’t have the abilities of a normal person and for that reason they are socially undesirable or inferior also Goffman (1963) states ‘people with such ‘abnormalities’ are said to be stigmatized’ (Armstrong, 2003, p.42) . Although some illnesses can be obvious others can be relatively concealed, however they can still feel and ‘experience ‘felt stigma’ because they still see’ themselves to be inferior and they feel they are hiding a discreditable part of their personality from the outside world’ (Scamber and Hopkins, 1986, cited in Armstrong, 2003, p.42). In todays society the term stigma is used to refer to an individual who is culturally unacceptable with any condition, characteristic or behaviour (Gabe et al, 2004). According to Goffman (1968) his ideas added felt and enacted stigma, the former is the feeling that we are being discriminated against and the latter is actually being stigmatised through discrimination. Goffman recognised three types of stigma that he explained as: Stigma of the body, which relates to blemishes or physical deformities; Stigma of character which relates to the mentally ill or criminals, and finally Stigma associated with social factors which can be either racial or tribal throughout different cultures. Goffman goes on to say that his types of stigma can vary differently between social, cultural or historical environments (Goffman 1963, cited in Gabe et al., 2004, p.69). While Goffman mentioned three types of stigma, Scambler mentioned two types of stigma. He combined his ideas in what he calls the ‘Hidden Distress Model’ which had been developed to explain the way in which an individual overcomes felt stigma in order to prevent experiences that play part of stigma. This, Scambler described it to be carried out by ‘Non-Disclosure’ which focuses attention on the fact that individuals would want to keep their condition from others in a hope to hide any information about their health condition and only will ever reveal their condition if it is necessary to do so. (Scambler, 2008). The approach of the ‘Hidden Distress Model’ explains the reasons of the concealment of a condition, it is that because of the fear of associated stigma, moreover felt stigma is very easily seen so that one can avoid the occurrence of enacted stigma. Experiencing strong felt stigma could lead to higher stress which then leads to putting the patient harder circumstances in order to control their illness, which later on makes their illness worse over time due to the energy released through the concealment of their condition. Moreover in relation to this Scambler (2008) states â€Å"Paradoxically, felt stigma is more disruptive of people’s lives and well-being than enacted stigma †he also says that felt stigma tends to increase the anxiety levels of an individual more so that enacted stigma. To apply these concepts in real life circumstances, we will present how the avoidance of enacted stigma through felt stigma can worsen risks of various health issues ultimately deteriorating their health condition. Research study carried out on HIV and AIDS, has shown that people with such stigma are only known to their doctors and many chose not to kept it a secret and to disclose this information because of the way society thinks of AIDS and HIV. Patient might decide to avoid routine checks or treatment in the hope that they will not experience enacted stigma from others, for instance when they are entering or exiting the sexual health clinic or attending local HIV screening tests because of the stigmatising assumptions that are related to HIV /AIDS such as being gay or heavy drug user (Lubkin and Larson, 2012). Additional example can be seen with women who is avoiding screening for the sexually transmitted disease called HIV and AIDS for the fear of other people acting unreasonabl y towards them because they feel that they will be judged against behaviour associated with a lot of sexual partners. (Lubkin and Larson, 2012). And because this is associated with the person fearful of being treated different or labelled. People may not always seek medical help for their stigma conditions because of their fears of being faced with enacted stigma, however Zola (1973 has looked in to the timing of when individuals may decide to seek medical help, and in he discovered that majority of the people wait and put up with their symptoms for a while before they actually choose to seek medical assistance. Research study carried out on HIV and AIDS, has shown that people with such stigma are only known to their doctors and many chose not to kept it a secret and to disclose this information because of the way society thinks of AIDS and HIV. As mentioned above avoidance of sexual health screening can lead to worsening health problems, a person with the health illnesses mentioned above could have life threatening diseases for the individual if he or she continue to express the ideas of the hidden distress model. There are many studies that prove that is stigma is based on social concept. This study suggests that stigma is more about social concept rather than a characteristic of an individual. Parker and Aggleton (2003) ‘point out, processes of stigmatization remain part and parcel of processes of power, domination and discrimination; what becomes stigmatized is bound up with usual norms and values. Therefore it is socialized, not an individual, concepts (Nettleton, 2006, p.96). Therefore this study says felt stigma is more powerful than any accrual episodes of enacted stigma and for that reason it makes people more stigmatized. Moving on to the concept of ‘Coping Strategies’ has been formed to explain the ways in which an individual copes with the effects of an illness. The term ‘coping’ refers to the â€Å"Cognitive processes whereby an individual learns to tolerate illness†and strategy relates to the actions people take in the face of illness (Bury 1991 cited in Nettleton 2006). The term coping is used to maintain the feeling of self-worth and a sense of belief during an illness (Gerhardt 1989 cited in Bury 1991). The thought of normalisation can be used in ‘coping’ with an illness; this can be expressed in two with in the ‘Coping Strategies’. The first is to supress any negativity related to the illness so that the person can maintain their own personal identity which they held prior to their diagnosis; the second is to look at normalisation in terms of treatment where the treatment routine should not be remote place so that the individual can integrate with other people and not be isolated (Kellecher 1988, cited in Bury 1991). Bury (1991) This further explains that it is the values of the individual that can determine how others respond to them in regards to their illness. The model of ‘strategy’ is the actions that are taken in order to ‘maximise favourable outcomes’. (Bury, 1991). Moreover how a person responds to health illness experience regarding their condition does determine the extent to which they perform their strategies, the more negative experience they have can develop greater awareness in their everyday lives so as to escape or reduce the experience of enacted stigma. The controlling of illness through the use of strategies can differ from the influence of social settings to the forms that are developed in order to deter any focus to the condition as well as achieving set goals so that they can maintain their own sense of value and their belief of what their everyday life requires. Goffman (1963) states that the way in which an individual copes with a stigmatising condition differs depending on the actual type of condition, he has specified two terms in relation to this – ‘discredited’ and ‘discreditable’; the first one is regarding an individual whose condition is widely known and the second refers to those whose condition is concealed. It’s described that those who have a discredited condition will find it harder to manage their stigma. There are three different ways in which an individual can cope their own stigmatising condition the first is ‘Passing’ this is where one would try to fit in to the society as ‘normal’ usually the stigmatised individuals would constantly try to conceal their condition because they do not want anyone else to know if their illness; and for those with felt stigma are more likely to choose the passing approach for instance an individual with hard of hearing condition may decide to not use the hearing aid so that they can ‘fit in’ more with the society (Lubkin and Larson, 2012; Armstrong, 2003). The second one is ‘Covering’ this refers to an individual with a discrediting attribute where they will try their utmost to conceal the significance of their stigmatising condition. (Goffman, 1963; Armstrong, 2003), in this situation the individual would try and take off the focus from his or her condition in order to avoid the experience of enacted stigma, the process could be amusing towards the situation which would reassure a less tense atmosphere making it to be more easy to manage (Lubkin and Larson, 2012). Stigma is the result of a reaction expressed through the society that ultimately spoils identity of unacceptable norms that affect the stigmatised individual in a negative way. (Gabe et al, 2004). Nettleton (2006) states â€Å"Stigma is not an attribute of individuals, but is rather a thoroughly social concept which is generated, sustained and reproduced in the context of social inequalities.†Some people are stigmatised because the part of the individual that is different is considered to be self-inflicted and in the ‘normal’ people’s eyes they are less worthy of help (Lubkin and Larson, 2012) Parsons (1951) describes illness as a deviance form the norm and he also perceives illness as capable of cracking the social structure as the sick are unable to accomplish their social role within society. It can be expected that when an individual is sick they respond on the reaction of others, while society responds depending on the nature of the illness. (Lemert, 1967) suggests that there is three stages of deviance and he identifies these as primary deviance, which is related to an actual defined of a state or behaviour, and he claims that inside the law an action that was seen to be normal can become illegal or deviant, moreover secondary deviance refers to ‘the changes in behaviour that occur as a consequence of labelling’, for instance the stress of being discriminated and stereotyped can make an individual’s behaviour change over time. And the last stage is Tertiary deviance, which is the stigmatised individual’s reaction to the stigma from others l eads to master status, for example categorising and stereotyping dominate individuals behaviours. Scambler (2008) mentions that social factors is a major factor, which has impact people’s behaviour when they faced with what they recognize and recognise to be danger to their health and well-being. Freidson (1970) draws ‘societal reaction’ (Nettleton, 2006, p.73) furthermore he argues that there is three types of legitimacy. The first legitimacy is the ‘cases where it is achievable for a person to recover from illness, so they can get treatment for their condition, in addition their access to the sick role is conditional, the second is the incurable condition and their access to the sick role must be unconditionally, due to the fact that person might not get well and the last one is the illness being stigmatized by others and access to the sick role is to be treated as illegitimate (Nettleton, 2006, p.73). According to Reidpath (2005) ‘ the fear of being stigmatized and subjected to discrimination many case some people to avoid or delay seeking medical help’ and this is because of fear, that people with stigmatized conditions feel socially isolated and often rejected moreover they are alienated in the society. For several stigmatized individuals, in order to to feel normal or socially accepted in the society they might join a talk group to form their own communities in order to meet people with similar issues (Armstrong, 2003). Many stigmatized people use copying mechanism in order to cope with their conditions and according to Goffman (1963) ‘a person with a stigmatizing condition could pursue several copying strategies that were largely based on the salience of the stigma he or her carried. Scamber and Hopkins (1986), cited in Scamber, 2008, p.210, they described individuals ‘fearing discrimination, tend to conceal their epilepsy each time possible Certain ways they appear as normal included covering up their illness, a person with discrediting behaviour has no opportunity to go about it as normal but can still try to reduce the signs of his or her stigma and alternative way of passing as normal is managing expectations. This will l will lead the person to withdrawing from society and their social life, in order to avoid embarrassment and shame. An example people with conditions such as epilepsy, or HIV/Aids are able to hide away their condition when out in community, from partners, family and friends but they still do end up feel some kind of felt stigma due to them hiding some parts of their characters, nevertheless the individual way of avoiding social response to their illness and this is an case of passing as normal, concealing and managing expectations. Peop le with stigma also get labelled unpleasant names such as handicap because they are being judged on their appearance and the abnormality they lack. Conclusion To conclude this essay, we agree with the idea of that felt stigma being more powerful than enacted stigma because individuals are more fearful of being stigmatized then the actually illness itself. This statement showed to be true by research studies that have been carried out this these areas. In this essay we have seen that before individuals are diagnosed with illness they prefer to hide from their illness and ignore their symptoms and refuse to seek medical attention they require also individuals develop fear of their community and the society because of their health condition, likewise they fear their family, friends look and treating them differently. We have also looked into in to some research on stigma, we recognise why people are more fearful about the health condition than the illness because in society we tend to judge and isolate individuals on how they appear to look, before we even personally know them, for instance people in a with wheelchair we label them disabled. As Scrambler and Hopkins 1989, says that people with stigmatized illnesses are essentially outcasts and this is because they are socially rejected from society, due to their signs or symptoms and we see them as inferior. Nettleton (2006) suggests that illness reminds us that the normal functioning of our minds and is important to social action and relations with others, and this an significant fact and part of the reason proves why people are more fearful about their condition because they believe that people will be looking at them differently, judging and discriminating against them before it even happens. In addition to that we think people with serious he alth condition sexually transmitted diseases for instance HIV and AIDS should not tell their condition to others, for their own protection because some people have strong views and opinion on these conditions and these condition are associated with having many sexual partners and unhygienic. Scheff (1966) suggests that mental illness is a product of society’s opinions and reaction to the individual’s illness, we do believe that society’s has developed ways of just labelling people with all sort of illnesses especially people who are mentally ill and they are labelled as crazy and therefore they are treated different to others and stigmatized. References Armstrong, D. (2003) Outline of Sociology as Applied to Medicine 5thed. London: Arnold Publishers Berkman, L. Syme, S. (1979) Social Networks, host resistance and mortality: a nine year follow up of Alameda County Residents. American Journal of Epidemiology 109 (2) pp. 186-204 Calnan, M. (1987) Health and illness. London: Tavistock Bury, M. (2005) Health and illness. Cambridge : Polity Press Bury, M, R. (1991) The Sociology of Chronic Illness: A Review of Research and Prospects’, Sociology of Health and Illness 13 (4) pp. 451-468 Gabe, J. Bury, M. Elston, A, M. (2004) Stigma, Key Concepts in Medical Sociology. London: Sage Publications pp. 68-69 Goffman, E. (1963) Stigma: Notes on the management of spoiled identity. New York: Simon Schuster Lubkin, M, I. Larson, D, P. (2012) Chronic Illness: Impact and Intervention Eighth Edition. Burlington: Jones and Bartlett Learning. Nettleton, S. (2006) The Sociology of Health and Illness. Cambridge: Polity Press. Scambler, G. (2008) Sociology as Applied to Medicine (eds.). Elsevier Limited.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Different Deaths in Death Be Not Proud and Do Not Go Gentle Essay
I feel uncomfortable making comparisons because a successful work of art, whether it is a poem or a painting, has to be judged on its own merits. â€Å"Death Be Not Proud†and â€Å"Do not go gentle†are both great poems, by two poets with different philosophic outlooks and different ways of looking at the world, written at different times, and in different styles. On the surface both these poets seem to be talking about the same things but a careful reading of the poems show that their views differ in both substance and in style. John Donne was a metaphysical poet of the early 17th Century, a clergyman, the Dean of St Paul’s in London (WikiSource). The label â€Å"metaphysical†was attached by the critic Dr. Samuel Johnson to a group of 17th century poets who shared a common style: they employed wit, subtle argument and linked our ordinary life to the eternal, â€Å"looking beyond the palpable†(Lukà ¡cs). Dylan Thomas was a mid-20th century Welshman, who worked for the BBC and drank himself to death before he turned forty. Apart from great poetic talent, there is little in common in their poems. John Donne writes about death. In fact he addresses death directly: Death be not proud, you are neither mighty nor dreadful, you do not really kill: â€Å"One short sleep past, we wake eternally/ And death shall be no more; death thou shalt die.†(Donne) The poem expresses a defiant faith in the hereafter and in resurrection. Death is cut down to size with simple but powerful arguments. Dylan Thomas’s poem is not about death but about dying; it is not an argument-based poem but an emotionally-charged poem, wordy and repetitive. The repeated phrases increase the impact of the emotion on us: â€Å"Do not go gentle into that good night†an... ...h but about loss. So perhaps modern poets tackle death indirectly. The modern sentiment that is acceptable is friendship and love; to mourn a friend (or a father) is therefore acceptable. This way, modern poets slide past the death problem. Works Cited Auden, W.H. â€Å"Stop all the clocks.†1936 Brooke, Rupert. "The Soldier" London: Sidgwick & Jackson, 1915. John Donne.19 November 2007 Madden, Frank. Exploring Literature. New York: Pearson, 2007. Donne, John. â€Å"Do not go gentle†pps.1238-1238. Madden, Frank. Exploring Literature. New York: Pearson, 2007. Thomas, Dylan. â€Å"Death be not proud†McGough, Roger. â€Å"Let me die a young man’s death†Penguin Modern Poets. Vol 10. London 1972. Metaphysical poets. 22 November 2007
Thursday, October 24, 2019
The Swimmer by John Cheever
Mina Hanna ENGL 2130-010 Ms. Kilgore The Swimmer by John Cheever Oct 06, 2011 The Swimmer by John Cheever Neddy’s journey home through the pools of his neighborhood turns into a journey through many years of his life, showing that passage of time is inevitable, no matter how much one might ignore it. Neddy has mastered the art of denial. At the beginning of the story, the narrator tells us that Neddy is far from young, but he does his best to act young by sliding down a banister and dividing headlong into a pool. The long afternoon at the Westerhazy’s pool seems timeless, no different, we can assume, from many thers afternoons spent exactly the same way. As Neddy’s journey progresses, we see that time is actually passing much more quickly than Neddy realizes. Leaves and hedges turn yellow and red, the constellations in the sky change, and the air gets colder. Friends not at home when he expects them to be, he faces scorn from the people he would once scorned, his mistress wants nothing to do with him, and he learns that a friend has been very ill. All these changes have happened without Neddy’s knowledge. Neddy question his memory, but he also onders whether he has simply denied reality to a dangerous degree. His peers have acted their age and faced adult problems, whereas he has raised. Morshed 2 The pervasive consumption of alcohol throughout the story sharpens the distortion of time and Neddy’s sense of unhappiness. The drinking, serving, and desire for alcohol become significant motivators for Neddy as well as a way to measure his social standing. At the beginning of the story, everyone is complaining of having drunk too much the night before, but they have gathered companionably at the Westerhazys’ pool o drink again. Neddy drinks gin before he decides to swim from pool to pool, and his swim home is marked as much by fresh drinks as by new swimming pool. At the Bunkers’ party, Neddy feels comforted and happy when he is given a drink, whereas at the Biswangers’ party, he feels slighted by the way his drink is served. As his journey grows more difficult, Neddy wishes deeply for a drink but is often turned down, once at the Sachses’ and once at Shirley Adam’s. His desire for a drink grows strongly as he grows weaker, and the amount of alcohol he has consumed during is journey could explain clearly the harsh bewildering emotional place in which Neddy finds himself at the end of the story. Morshed 3 The pools that Neddy swims through as he makes his way home represent periods of time that Neddy passes through. At the beginning of the story, Neddy is strong and active, feels deep contentment with his life, and is admired by his friends. Warm is the sun, he feels like a legendary figure, as though there is nothing he can’t accomplish. As he progresses from pool to pool, however, Neddy changes. Physically, he grows eaker, unable to pull himself out of pool without a ladder and unwilling to drive in as he once did. Instead of being warm, he eventually feels chilled to the bone. Around him, the sunny summer day grows increasingly cooler, and a storm passes. The trees, meanwhile, lose their leaves, and the constellations change to those of autumn. His standing in his social circle has changed as well. Once respected and given to snubbing those who are not part of his group, he is now snubbed by Grace Biswanger and the bartender at the party, Which Neddy is not aware that he has suffered. A lot has happened as he has been moving from pool to pool. Neddy has named the chain of pools the â€Å"Lucinda River†, invoking the security and longevity of his marriage and family, but his choice of name becomes sad and ironic when he winds up at his dark, deserted home. Neddy has taken Lucinda, just as he took his comfortable life, for granted. We don’t know much about their marriage, but we know of Neddy’s affair with Shirley, an affair he treated lightly and to which he attached no meaning. Morshed 4 The changes in weather and season that occur throughout the story mirror Neddy’s hanging life circumstances, particularly the deterioration of his comfort and security. At the beginning of the story, Neddy is warm in the sunshine, conscious of nothing but his own happiness and the pleasures of the day. As he begins his swim, the water and air are of comfortable temperature, and he can walk easily from pool to pool in his swim trunks. Shortly into his jo urney, a storm passes, making a turning point in Neddy’s plans. He is alone for the first time, waiting out the storm in a deserted gazebo; and when the storm ends, the warmth is gone. He is chilly, and the red and yellow leaves n the ground suggest falls. Neddy feels a peculiar sadness, the first time he feels anything other than happiness. Weather and season are not kind to Neddy from this moment on. He gets colder, sees more signs of fall, and changes from a robust traveler into a pathetic figure by the highway. Autumn arrives in full as Neddy finishes his journey, and the final pool he swims in has freezing cold water. Just as Neddy’s happy life has come to a close, the cycle of seasons has been completed as well, and it is clear by the end of the story that Neddy’s is entering the winter of his life.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Les Miserables Movie Review
For my AP World History Movie Review, I chose to watch Les Miserables; a movie based on the inspirational novel by Victor Hugo. I selected this movie because i had a summer assignment on it for ADV English and also because i thought it would be a good idea to watch the movie before reading the book and compare the two afterwards. Watching this and reading the book has helped me in starting out this school year more prepared with my schoolwork. Just like the book, the movie was set in the early 1800's of Paris amid the aftermath of the French Revolution.Along with the novel, the movie sort of elaborates upon the history of France, architecture of Paris, and a little bit of the politics. The French Revolution was a time of great turmoil in French History. It began in 1789 and ended in 1799. During the French Revolution, the previous absolute monarchy and the entire social three estate system was overthrown. The Third Estate was tired of being treated how they were. They wanted more res pect and an actual say in the government. They were given a tithe for their crops, which caused them starvation and malnutrition.They had the most trouble paying for bread, while others feasted away. Finally, they began violent revolts. The architecture of France in the late 1700s through the early 1900s was shown throughout the movie, the clothing people wore and the way buildings looked back then. The time period of France in the movie was Neo-classicism. Architecture was often flip-flops from one extreme to the other, so after the frivolous and light-filled Rococo style (like in most parts of the movie), buildings were pared to classical symmetry. As the reign of Louis XVI began, Paris entered a period of Neo-classicism.The severe style was inspired by Roman and Greek architectural theories. The style also reflects a desire for plain, unadorned materials, combined with extremely logical floor plans and design. Even after Louis XVI was beheaded, his style of Neo-classicism continu ed without change. This was partly because the Revolution was chaotic, giving architects little opportunity to invent a new style. The main major theme of the movie was some Christian themes of redemption, forgiveness, and sacrifice; all together, Grace. There were instances of grace all throughout the movie, as well as in the book.Jean Valjean was the main character that portrayed grace in many instances such as forgiving a former guard, Javert, for continuously trying to arrest him and ruin his life. Valjean spared his life during the revolution and released him from the revolting third estate. Even after his life was spared, Javert arrested Valjean once more but soon after let him go and committed suicide. The acts of grace throughout the movie affected me emotionally and gave me some inspiration to treat others the way I'd want to be treated. I think that today's society could use more grace.It'd make the world such a peaceful place to live if grace were portrayed more. Since gr ace is so called â€Å"a God given gift†, it should be used more to make the world a better place and make the people who live in it much more kind. Also, this movie moved me emotionally and mentally, putting people in poverty into my mind. I felt bad for how the poor were treated back then, never having any money or enough food, some women having to turn to prostitution or selling their hair just to get by. Overall, â€Å"Les Miserables†was a very good movie and i hope to go see the newest version coming out in December.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free Essays on What Ethics Means To Me
To me, ethics is a very strong word and tells a lot about who you are as a person. In today’s modern world, people’s ethics have changed drastically if you compare them to our parents’ generation. We see more and more in the news that people are finally becoming aware of the dangers that pollution, second-hand smoke, and global warming have on our society. Yet on the other hand, the corporate world is finding excuses and loop holes in policies and laws that have been created to keep pollution emissions at their current levels and to keep their profits increasing. Companies buy pollution credits from other companies that don’t use them and cheat people and companies to make themselves a quick dollar. I myself as a person, don’t agree with the way people are very selfish and are out only to benefit themselves. Although I have not been in the position to hold a job at a corporation or big business, I have had the experience of being in a large school for the past five years and have built up friendships with many people in my age group. Over the past few years, I have witnessed them develop as a person and for the most part people have turned out pretty good. At the start of this school year, I started noticing that more and more of my friends were starting to tutor younger students, donate plasma, and do volunteer work in the community. I have been assisting my peers and volunteering for many years and at first I thought that these people were becoming better people. I was very wrong. I soon found out when I was talking to them that they were doing it for completely selfish reasons. The only reason that they were doing these services was to improve their chances of getting into University and obtaining scholarships. Now although the community is temporarily benefiting from these students helping in various volunteer opportunities, they were doing it for completely the wrong reasons and I do not agree with wh... Free Essays on What Ethics Means To Me Free Essays on What Ethics Means To Me To me, ethics is a very strong word and tells a lot about who you are as a person. In today’s modern world, people’s ethics have changed drastically if you compare them to our parents’ generation. We see more and more in the news that people are finally becoming aware of the dangers that pollution, second-hand smoke, and global warming have on our society. Yet on the other hand, the corporate world is finding excuses and loop holes in policies and laws that have been created to keep pollution emissions at their current levels and to keep their profits increasing. Companies buy pollution credits from other companies that don’t use them and cheat people and companies to make themselves a quick dollar. I myself as a person, don’t agree with the way people are very selfish and are out only to benefit themselves. Although I have not been in the position to hold a job at a corporation or big business, I have had the experience of being in a large school for the past five years and have built up friendships with many people in my age group. Over the past few years, I have witnessed them develop as a person and for the most part people have turned out pretty good. At the start of this school year, I started noticing that more and more of my friends were starting to tutor younger students, donate plasma, and do volunteer work in the community. I have been assisting my peers and volunteering for many years and at first I thought that these people were becoming better people. I was very wrong. I soon found out when I was talking to them that they were doing it for completely selfish reasons. The only reason that they were doing these services was to improve their chances of getting into University and obtaining scholarships. Now although the community is temporarily benefiting from these students helping in various volunteer opportunities, they were doing it for completely the wrong reasons and I do not agree with wh...
Monday, October 21, 2019
introduction to native cultures
introduction to native cultures Free Online Research Papers When the Spanish began there journey through America their influence both on the native Americans and the environment were awesome. The prime goal of the Spaniards were to transform the native Americans into tax-paying Christians. This was in contrast to the idea that their goal was to eliminate the Indians form of the Americas. Unfortunately the Spaniards took many Indians so that they may plant their Christian religion in the Indians and to use them as labor. This led many Indians to learn the customs, environment and language of the Spaniards so that they could to be able to live in the Spanish culture. Some Natives acquired the Spanish language which was the main source of their Hispanicization. This was the realization of the Indians becoming encompassed by the Spanish society. They now began to live in a Spanish ways and blend into the bottom of the Spanish totem pole. Spanish goals and plans were to involve the Indians so that they may live in their society even if at the low er end of it’s ladder. Spanish influence was not only through the Native Americans, the southwest region of America had also had its affect. The Spaniards bringing of animals and use of land changed their habitat. Live stock brought over by the Spanish extended well across northern New Spain. As a result, these grazing animals flattened grassy areas and packed down soils, which broke down the lands. Through these worn down paths of grazing, water was able to ensue. The grasslands and wildlife disappeared with these new accustoms which led some turning into deserts. The Indians influence in the Spaniards came in many monetarily ways. With many different foods and clothing that the Spanish had never encountered. With new foods came new crops and livestock for the Spanish. The Indians clothing consisted of many animal wools and warmth based attire. Racial purity was a requirement for high status in Spain and its American colonies. In the urbanized New Spain, ethic origins greatly influenced the social status. For example, â€Å"Peninsulares,†those people originally from Spain held the highest rung on the societal ladder. While on the opposite end, both free and enslaved blacks comprised the lower rung. However, on the frontier, Indians, blacks, and persons of mixed color such as mestizos (a person with Indian and Spanish blood) began to make up more of the population. And as they become more adapted to Spanish culture, Indians began to feel â€Å"whiter†and mestizos too began to describe themselves an espanoles. Gradually, wealth, prestige, and occupation equally determined social status as did ethnicity and skin color. Through such cultural and environmental changes in New Spain, the Spanish culture was presumed as the most dominant model on the frontier. Both marriage and sexual practices reflected those as in Spain and its empire. For example, the Spanish used strategies to marry themselves or their children into a better social status. While Hispanics tried to mix Indian and Spanish culture, both sides were not congruent. The Spanish culture was more dominant than the Native American cultures. Although Spaniards ate Indian food, wore their clothes, and learned their culture, it was the Indian cultures that became influenced by the Spanish. Such dominance and profound environmental changes stated earlier accounted for the Spaniards incredible influence on Southwest America. Research Papers on introduction to native culturesAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeWhere Wild and West Meet19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesCanaanite Influence on the Early Israelite ReligionGenetic EngineeringQuebec and CanadaHip-Hop is ArtRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andPETSTEL analysis of India
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Filtration Definition and Processes (Chemistry)
Filtration Definition and Processes (Chemistry) Filtration is a process used to separate solids from liquids or gases using a filter medium that allows the fluid to pass through but not the solid. The term filtration applies whether the filter is mechanical, biological, or physical. The fluid that passes through the filter is called the filtrate. The filter medium may be a surface filter, which is a solid that traps solid particles, or a depth filter, which is a bed of material that traps the solid. Filtration is typically an imperfect process. Some fluid remains on the feed side of the filter or embedded in the filter media and some small solid particulates find their way through the filter. As a chemistry and engineering technique, there is always some lost product, whether its the liquid or solid being collected. Examples of Filtration While filtration is an important separation technique in a laboratory, its also common in everyday life. Brewing coffee involves passing hot water through the ground coffee and a filter. The liquid coffee is the filtrate. Steeping tea is much the same, whether you use a tea bag (paper filter) or tea ball (usually, a metal filter).The kidneys are an example of a biological filter. Blood is filtered by the glomerulus. Essential molecules are reabsorbed back into the blood.Air conditioners and many vacuum cleaners use HEPA filters to remove dust and pollen from the air.Many aquariums use filters containing fibers that capture particulates.Belt filters recover precious metals during mining.Water in an aquifer is relatively pure because it has been filtered through sand and permeable rock in the ground. Filtration Methods There are different types of filtration. Which method is used depends largely on whether the solid is a particulate (suspended) or dissolved in the fluid. General Filtration: The most basic form of filtration is using gravity to filter a mixture. The mixture is poured from above onto a filter medium (e.g., filter paper) and gravity pulls the liquid down. The solid is left on the filter, while the liquid flows below it.Vacuum Filtration: A Bà ¼chner flask and hose are used to create a vacuum to suck the fluid through the filter (usually with the aid of gravity). This greatly speeds the separation and can be used to dry the solid. A related technique uses a pump to form a pressure difference on both sides of the filter. Pump filters do not need to be vertical because gravity is not the source of the pressure difference on the sides of the filter.Cold Filtration: Cold filtration is used to quickly cool a solution, prompting the formation of small crystals. This is a method used when the solid is initially dissolved. A common method is to place the container with the solution in an ice bath prior to filtration.Hot Filtration: In hot filtration, the solution, filter, and funnel are heated to minimize crystal formation during filtration. Stemless funnels are useful because there is less surface area for crystal growth. This method is used when crystals would clog the funnel or prevent crystallization of the second component in a mixture. Sometimes filter aids are used to improve flow through a filter. Examples of filter aids are silica, diatomaceous earth, perlite, and cellulose. Filter aids may be placed on the filter prior to filtration or mixed with the liquid. The aids can help prevent the filter from clogging and can increase the porosity of the cake or feed into the filter. Filtration vs. Sieving A related separation technique is sieving. Sieving refers to use of a single mesh or perforated layer to retain large particles​ while allowing the passage of smaller ones. In contrast, during filtration, the filter is a lattice or has multiple layers. Fluids follow channels in the medium to pass through a filter. Alternatives to Filtration There are more effective separation methods than filtration for some applications. For example, for very small samples in which its important to collect the filtrate, the filter medium may soak up too much of the fluid. In other cases, too much of the solid can become trapped in the filter medium. Two other processes that can be used to separate solids from fluids are decantation and centrifugation. Centrifugation involves spinning a sample, which forces the heavier solid to the bottom of a container. In decantation, the fluid is siphoned or poured off of the solid after it has fallen out of solution. Decantation can be used following centrifugation or on its own.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Dubai is an example of modernity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Dubai is an example of modernity - Essay Example With the discovery of oil in 1966, coupled with the vision on leadership of His Highness Sheikh Rashid bin Saeed Al Maktoum, Dubai quickly expanded in the latter half of the 20th and early part of the 21st centuries to become one of the world’s foremost tourist destinations with world class hotels, entertainment, shopping, and sporting events. Dubai stands out today as a model in the Middle East for a modern, sophisticated Muslim society, steeped in tradition, but always striding forward with an eye to the future and leading the Middle East and the world in attracting businesses with a world-class cultural and economic base. It has thus become in international city with economic and cultural impact far beyond its borders. Beginnings of Business. Prior to 1833, there was little that existed on the Saudi Arabian peninsula but a finger of desert separating the Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf. All that existed in this small peninsular area was a creek, which was settled by some 800 members of the Bani Yas tribe, led by the Maktoum Family (Government of Dubai). As a natural harbor, the creek allowed the Maktoum Family to utilize its resources for fishing, pearling, and trade. In 1835, Dubai and the rest of the small states in the region signed a â€Å"Perpetual Maritime Truce†with Great Britain, allowing it to come under the protection of the UK. (Dubai City Guide). Unlike its neighbors, Dubai stood out with its welcoming attitude and fostering of trade and commerce, led by the rulers from the founding Maktoum Family. With the vision and leadership of Shaikh Saeed Maktoum, Daubai was encouraged to expand and look forward, toward the future, in an area which had traditionally looked toward the past. In 1892 he signed an exclusive business deal with the British and in 1894 permitted a full tax exemption for foreign traders (SkiDubai). Traders from all over the world descended on Dubai to take advantage of the tarriff-free goods being sold at that port . In 1903, the Sheikh convinced a major British steamship line to make Dubai a port of call. (SkiDubai). Dubai was beginning to realize its potential for huge economic growth and expansion.. By 1900, with the aid of the vision of Sheikh Saeed and agreements with Great Britain, Dubai had been developed into a thriving and successful port with a growing international market. Within 30 years, Dubai’s population had exploded to over 20,000 people who came to take advantage of its location as a center for fishing and trade, as ships from around the world came to and from the Middle East to India, Europe, and the Far East. Dubai’s reputation as a trading hub was further augmented in the 1950s when Sheikh Rahid bin Saeed Al Maktoum increased the profitability of the trading center with widened water ways and greater accessibility to the creek. Although expensive and time-consuming, Sheikh Rahid’s vision strengthened Dubai’s position as a major trading center and export center in the lower Peninsula region. In the 1930s. With a great depression looming over much of the world, and a decrease in the pearling industry, Sheikh Saeed created a legendary â€Å"re-export†business in trade-free Dubai. (Some called it smuggling, but those are semantics.) What Dubai did was import tarriff-free goods
Friday, October 18, 2019
Informative or Persuasive Speech Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Informative Persuasive - Speech or Presentation Example They’ve been controversial since their start: People have protested being searched, saying, â€Å"I haven’t done anything wrong. Why on earth are you searching me?†They have been protesting the time it takes and the fact that the body scanner reveals†¦ well, a little more than they ever wanted to show. In the year 2009, airport body scanners were suggested as a way to increase airport security. The unsuccessful bombing on Christmas day was no doubt what scared many airport personnel and travelers in the United States into thinking that they were necessary. Forty scanners had already been purchased for ports around the United States. Some specific airports that had scanners by 2009 were the JFK airport, the Phoenix airport, and the LA airport. On New Years’ day, 2011, we knew that things would be changing for our nation. One of the things that changed was airport security: over 159 scanners have been purchased and are awaiting installment in various a irports. The question is: How would you feel about having someone rush over to you and say, â€Å"You’ve been called out of line. ... This is designed to ensure security, and to ensure nothing is being snuck in the airport. It does not portray a Two-D image of any sort. It does, however, create a three D scanner, which security personnel can use to see whether or not you are sneaking onto the airplane. Our second option is less complex. It’s called the â€Å"backscatter X-ray.†What it does is it takes a 2-D image of the front and back of the individual that is being scanned, and it creates and rotates that movement. The X-ray takes a 2-D image of the front and back of the person. It is much like an X-Ray technology. [Slide X shows the process that the airport scanners go through.] There are many pros to this technology, despite the protests about the scanner. For one, for instance, we are able to see what is being snuck across airplane borders. This is great, because not everyone is truthful with what they are taking across the borders. The airport technology will no doubt help prevent another attack such as September 11, 2011. These airport security scanners are designed to reveal everything under the clothes, preventing anyone from being able to sneak things through. It is able to show both metallic and non metallic weapons. It is also able to show guns, knives, plastic, explosives, and many other items. The body scanners reveal items that a simple pat down would miss. Many people protest the scanners because there are other options. â€Å"Why don’t you just pat me down?†They ask. However, a simple pat down can miss hidden objects, may be against regulations in some cultures, and are known for â€Å"being touching†, something many women have found to be inappropriate. Another alternative – dogs – can only help so much. Swabs can detect chemicals and explosives, but
Collegiate Promotions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Collegiate Promotions - Essay Example These representatives get paid according to the number of products sold. Unlike individuals employed directly for a wholesaler or a manufacturer, the collegiate promotion representatives are compensated strictly on commission basis. In addition, the company never reimburses their expenses such as those spent on entertaining of customers, transport costs and meals. This enables the company to cut on its operational costs and maximizing on its profits (â€Å"Career Information†). Alternatively, a company may have a perfect compensation plan but not achieve the amount of targeted sales. For instance, if the sales manager does not adequately instruct the sales representative on how to carry the duties you are paying them for, then the results can be devastating. It is essential to develop a business structure that supports the behaviors of the salespersons in the reinforced compensation plan. It is also likely that individuals in sales and marketing teams may not meet the job†™s vigorous demand despite their adequate product knowledge. In addition, direct salespersons may not be able to cope with the challenges in the market such as constant rejections or the necessity of creating relationships that are positive with everyone. In addition, the marketing team may shy away from the responsibility of managing their time effectively and the need to learn more about their customers’ domain continuously (Kahle, 2007). These are some of the challenges faced by the company despite their effective and efficient compensation plans. Reasons why a Sale Representative Is Willing To Sell At both the Top and the Bottom Range of a Price The sales representatives are willing to sell at both levels of prices because of various factors. For instance, competition in the market and demand of the product affects the price of the product. Bottom range pricing often occurs when the demand of the product is low and competition is tough. As a result, the sales representa tive has got no choice but to dispose the product at the lowest cost set by the company he is working for. When the product demand is high, he has to set a higher price so that he can get enough commission to cater for the expenses incurred during the product promotion. Predicting Whether the Sales Are Made At the Bottom or Top Range of Possible Prices The sales at the bottom range are often lower than those at top range. This is because the size of the swing is often determined by price levels in the market. The markets operating with higher prices have broad swings compared to those operating at lower prices. It is paramount that, stops be located at I, 2 or 3 price units below or above the swing tops and bottoms. For instance, when a market operates at low level historically, then a stop needs to be near the swing bottom or top than when the market is historically operating at levels that are high(James, 2001). How lack of geographically protected areas affect the behaviour of a sales person A product often corresponds to a geographical position such as a country, region or a town. This clearly indicates the product reputation within a specific geographical location. The product or service often enjoys a unique
Information, Information Technology and Information Systems Essay
Information, Information Technology and Information Systems - Essay Example This is true with Integrated Report System Company who’s specialty includes conceptualizing programs that assists sales oriented industries become a market leader. These programs work well with firms that requires vast resources of information to be broken down, analyzed, compare and plotted, useful in establish a strong foundation of judgments. This web based business intelligence software provides a concrete and accurate data collection and analysis that helps small and medium scale industries anticipate/plan their move and realize strategies that could allow them to achieve their goal for their product. The business activities and functions this software supports is basically sales related, a sales interactive reporting designed to fit the needs of Sales reps and mangers, CEOs and CFOs, product or account managers, whereby necessary market information and trend are made available through data collection and banking together with other programs that monitors the movement and turnover of their product. This system also allows the abovementioned individuals a critical view of the business that necessitates well calculated anticipation and aggressive moves. Interactive Reporting system provides state of the art tools for integrated interactive reporting such that makes use of templates which encapsulates pertinent records of transaction history and other raw data that can be inquired upon, and a mapping technology that connects the user to their data source. These tools are set to be modularized and separated from a specific installation which therefore "permits the re-use of logic, the provisioning of the BI integration process by domain experts and the significant reductions in the cost and time required for an enterprise's acquisition of BI capabilities". More specifically, these tools are "highly scalable; flexible in design; easily integrated into any data source; have a unified view with drill-down capability and an 'Out-Of-The-Box Solution' that runs on top of any system leveraging existing IT investments. This software supports Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, MS Access, Informix, MySQL and IBM DB2. It is a web based intranet product that uses data extracted from your data warehouse. It also provides a standardized templates and mappings so you don't need to design sales reports or spreadsheets from scratch. With Integrated Reporting highly critical information pertaining to sales function are easily accessible and comprehended in terms of what products being sold, areas of distribution, means and method of positioning, and most importantly its corresponding figures. With this in hand, reporting and analysis is made easy, while concrete and immediate solutions are readily perceived. This software assumes that there is a preexisting operating system installed as well as a network, as it simply brings you into using existing software in any activity you wish to engage upon, whether creating spreadsheets or report templates. It cam also be patched to the existing accounting system whereby i t allows you to synchronize previous information to present and integrate, differentiate or update them. This software is designed to make things simpler and faster and therefore hassle free. This software is also created upon the assumption that there is basic knowledge in various computer applications, otherwise an orientation is required. In a business that
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Waste Elimination Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Waste Elimination - Coursework Example In the several groups identified by economist, Taiichi Ohno, there is the imperative need of identifying some of them and breaking them down in an effort to acquire greater understanding of their effects and subsequent characteristics. These waste groups include, damage caused by the waste to the environment, the waste in production and the waste brought about in motion. Baltimore Green Construction is a company based in Maryland that has made tremendous efforts in resolving the various waste issues experienced today. Focusing on the first category identified, there are very many effects caused by waste products to the environment and the affected are not only people, but also other organisms in the environment. One of the major problems that waste products have on the environment is pollution. Pollution is a problem that has affected many countries in the 21st century and the amount of waste products that bring about this is in a very large amount. Characterization of pollution is i nto three groups, one of the vast types is air pollution, the other type of pollution identified is water pollution, and then there is the less but still epidemic soil pollution. Focusing on air pollution, the major factor to identify with this is global warming. Many companies in the contemporary world manufacture and produce goods using industries and factories that do not have proper waste disposal systems. However, one of the ways through which Baltimore Green Construction has
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Using Effective Promotions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Using Effective Promotions - Essay Example It was also a good advert as it alerted consumers that Nike offered free shipping on some orders. Therefore, it encouraged consumers who could not visit a Nike outlet, due to varying reasons, and are not members, to order the products online. Consequent to this, the advertiser has to communicate the intended message, which informed consumers of the possibility of online purchasing. Online purchases contribute to the increase of the sales of the company, which makes the advert significant to the company. Informing people about the free returns for members also made this a good advert, because, it motivated online purchasers to order for the goods they needed without worrying that the goods may be in bad condition. Therefore, the advertiser has to communicate about the free return service offered to members of the community, if the delivered products fell short of their expectations. The advert was also good as it drew more customers to join the Nike community, and it promoted the loya lty of consumers to the organization. Such offers also help in shifting the attention of the consumers from the price of the products to the services offered, which gives Nike an opportunity to create good relations with its customers. Conclusively, the discussed advertisements allowed the advertiser to achieve increased sales of the products. The seller gets to advertise to the consumers at a personal level, through the social media, which reached a wider group of people. This boosted the competitiveness of the company.
Waste Elimination Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Waste Elimination - Coursework Example In the several groups identified by economist, Taiichi Ohno, there is the imperative need of identifying some of them and breaking them down in an effort to acquire greater understanding of their effects and subsequent characteristics. These waste groups include, damage caused by the waste to the environment, the waste in production and the waste brought about in motion. Baltimore Green Construction is a company based in Maryland that has made tremendous efforts in resolving the various waste issues experienced today. Focusing on the first category identified, there are very many effects caused by waste products to the environment and the affected are not only people, but also other organisms in the environment. One of the major problems that waste products have on the environment is pollution. Pollution is a problem that has affected many countries in the 21st century and the amount of waste products that bring about this is in a very large amount. Characterization of pollution is i nto three groups, one of the vast types is air pollution, the other type of pollution identified is water pollution, and then there is the less but still epidemic soil pollution. Focusing on air pollution, the major factor to identify with this is global warming. Many companies in the contemporary world manufacture and produce goods using industries and factories that do not have proper waste disposal systems. However, one of the ways through which Baltimore Green Construction has
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Editing and Conclusion Writing Essay Example for Free
Editing and Conclusion Writing Essay Initial Conclusion: As my report states, you will not always you’re entire life have to devote yourselves to cleening up the enviroment in order to make a differance to the World. Therefore, we should all put more enargy in to re cycling. Its made a difference in my house because we useto have more trash then we do now since we re cycle. Also, seperating is good. I hope you enjoyed reading my paper on re cycling. THE END 🙂 Revised Conclusion: As can be seen in the aforementioned discussion, it is not necessarily to entirely devote one’s self to cleaning the environment in order to make a difference in the world. It is only necessary to develop environmental friendly habits such as recycling one’s trash. The benefits of recycling are not only limited to having cleaner surroundings but also extends to the maintenance of a cleaner and healthier environment.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Pipe Surge and Water Hammer Experiment
Pipe Surge and Water Hammer Experiment The objective of the work undertaken was consisted two separate experiments, pipe surge and water hammer. These are both caused by a reduction in the flow rate within a pipe. They are two alternative dissipations of the kinetic energy of the fluid into another form of energy pressure in the case of the water hammer, and potential energy in the case of the surge shaft. The surge shaft is a device used as a way of avoiding pressure surges which accompany the water hammer effect, by allowing the fluid up a shaft near the valve, thus absorbing the pressure exerted by the fluid on the valve and the pipe. The aim of these two experiments was to compare the results with the theory derived from Newtons Second Law of Motion. Introduction Pipe Surge Water pipelines and distribution systems are subjected to surges almost daily, which over time can cause damage to equipment and the pipeline itself. Surges are caused by sudden changes in flow velocity that result from common causes such as rapid valve closure, pump starts and stops, and improper filling practices. Pipelines often see their first surge during filling when the air being expelled from a pipeline rapidly escapes through a manual vent or a throttled valve followed by the water. Being many times denser than air, water follows the air to the outlet at a high velocity, but its velocity is restricted by the outlet thereby causing a surge. It is imperative that the filling flow rate be carefully controlled and the air vented through properly sized automatic air valves. Similarly, line valves must be closed and opened slowly to prevent rapid changes in flow rate. The operation of pumps and sudden stoppage of pumps due to power failures probably have the most frequent impact o n the system and the greatest potential to cause significant surges. If the pumping system is not controlled or protected, contamination and damage to equipment and the pipeline itself can be serious. The effects of surges can be as minor as loosening of pipe joints to as severe as damage to pumps, valves, and concrete structures. Damaged pipe joints and vacuum conditions can cause contamination to the system from ground water and backflow situations. Uncontrolled surges can be catastrophic as well. Line breaks can cause flooding and line shifting can cause damage to supports and even concrete piers and vaults. Losses can be in the millions of dollars so it is essential that surges be understood and controlled with the proper equipment. Water Hammer Water hammer is the formation of pressure waves as the result of a sudden change in liquid velocity in a piping system. Water hammer usually occurs when a fluid flow start or stops quickly or is forced to make a rapid change in direction. Quick closing of valves and stoppage of pump can create water hammer. Valve closing in 1.5s or less depending upon the valve size and system conditions causes an abrupt stoppage of the slow. Since liquid is not compressible, any energy that is applied to is instantly transmitted. The pressure waves created at rapid valve closure can reach five times the systems working pressure. If not considered for, this pressure pulse will rapidly accelerate to the speed of sound in liquid, which can exceed 1200 m/s, causing burst of the pipeline and pump causing as well as fracture in the pipe fittings. For this reason, it is essential to understand under what conditions these pressure waves are produced and reduce the pressure rise as much as possible in a pipi ng system. Risk assessment In experimental work there are always some risks to everyone in the lab, hence a health and safety briefing before commencing the labs. These will aware people to the potential risks and the appropriate steps to reduce the likelihood of accidents. Therefore it is crucial to follow the advice of the staff supervising at all times and use the protection equipment provided. There are different hazard around in the lab, identifying them is important. There are people doing other experiments at the same time in the lab, make sure what the worst situation can happen with it. Therefore knowing where is the closest fire exit is important, or the short route to get out the build. Making sure there are not wire on the floor, incase people fell over it. Make sure that all the equipments going to be used are safe. Connecting the equipments correctly to prevent short circuit. Make sure that the load is not too heavy to left. When loading the equipment, be careful it might fell on to someones toe. Be aware of anything caught into the equipment When leaving the lab make sure things are placed back to the original place, and all equipments are switched off. There are ways to prevent it happen. Make sure you know the risk of the experiment. Ask others to help to set up, if not sure what the equipment does. Do not leave anything unattended. Not lift anything heavy alone or with equipments help. Wear PPE Methodology Pipe Surge The equipment is set up as shown Figure 4 1, where the head loss can be measured. The static head (hs) is recorded through the level on the surge shaft when there is no flow, this will be the datum level throughout the experiment. Then adjusting the gate valve and supply control valve, so that there is a steady of water flowing into the sump tank, where the new reading in the surge shaft is the velocity head (hv). Then the gate valve is close and wait for the oscillations to stop, once it is stopped the lever is opened to operated gate valve and the water level should drop back to the same value for the velocity head. The value of hs and hv are used to calculate the head loss due to friction which is hs hv = hf. The flow rate will be needed by closing the dump tank to find the quantity of water in the tank in 60 seconds. More reading should be taken for better accuracy. The flow rate should not be changed for the rest of the experiment. The maximum and minimum surge heights are measure by the oscillations and the time between the gate valves is quickly closed. The same procedure is repeated but the time taken between the surges passing the datum point is measured. Water Hammer: Follow the Appendix 8 -1 to set the equipment up. Where the water hammer flow control valve should be fully open and the surge shaft valve is fully closed, then the measurement of the volumetric flow rate will be taken and thus calculate the flow velocity. The volumetric flow rate can be measure using the same procedure as Pipe Surge. Then the fast acting valve is release to stop the flow of water instantaneously causing a pressure pulse to travel up and down the pipe. This is instantaneous closures which mean closure less than 2L/c, i.e. the valve is closed before a reflected wave reaches the valve again, as this will give us the same pressure rise as an instantaneous closure. These pulses are captured on the oscilloscope where we record the average amplitude, time base and the duration of the pulse. The time lags between the two pressure transducers are also recorded. For the second half of this experiment, the oscilloscope setting is changed so that the time base setting is increased to 25ms/div. Once it is set up, the same procedure will be repeated as before. The fast acting valve is release and records the average amplitude value and duration of the pulse for the traces that are on the oscilloscope. Discussion When comparing the values gained experimentally to the values predicted from the equations, tabulated in table 6 -1, it can be observed that the predicted flow rates and the period of oscillation are both quite similar with their experimental values. The reason for the slight difference in flow rates is partly due to the fact that the equation that we needed to use to find the flow rate had two unknown values in it, Q and hf. The equation that we used was: The experimental value of frictional head loss is used so that the predicted flow rate can be calculated. The experimental value of Q is used for calculating the theoretical value for frictional head loss by substituting this value in to the equation However this value would have accumulated more errors and therefore the value would be further away from the experimental value. From Figure 6 1 the time period is about 8 seconds can be observed, whereas the predicted value is 7.5705 seconds. The discrepancy between the two numbers is most likely to be as a result of human error, when timing the points of max and min surge and also when the surge crosses the datum a time factor needs to be taken into consideration for the time taken between the person saying when to stop the timer and the other person actually pressing the button. This time delay could easily explain the half second difference between the two values. When comparing the difference between the experimental and predicted values for maximum surge height, the first predicted value is hugely different to the actual value achieved. The reason for this is because the equation gives the max surge from the static head assuming that there are no losses due to friction, therefore the equation will need to be adjust to take into consideration of the effects of friction. This acts as a correction factor. The reason why it need to be use, because the initial head loss which is due to friction, this is the difference between the static head and the velocity head which is much lower than the static head therefore the initial max amplitude should be taken away. Throughout the effects of friction is important as dealing with a small bore system whereas in reality surge shafts have diameters in meters. The effects of friction can be assumed negligible, as long as the initial head at the valve is assume the same as at the reservoir. However in the flow frictional losses are relatively large, this can be seen in the fact that there is a large difference between the static head and velocity head. This is partly due to the small diameter of the pipe, as the friction occurs at the walls and if the diameter of the pipe is small then the area in which the fluid is unaffected by the friction is going to be smaller. In order to take the effects of friction in to account, the equation of the max amplitude must start from the velocity head therefore the head loss due to friction can also be taken into consideration. Water Hammer From observing Figure 5 -1 the single pressure wave, it varies slightly to the symmetrical smooth square shown as in the Fluid Mechanics Lab Manual. The pulse shown on the oscilloscope showed an unsymmetrical, rough rectangle. This irregularity of the line is as a result of not all the kinetic energy being transferred into potential energy, which is the pressure pulse, and the remaining energy being lost in the form of heat, sound and strain. The strain loss is where the compression of the water tries to expand the pipe, i.e. constant volume therefore change the cross sectional area. The reason of that assumption is the irregular graph as when deriving the equations as assumed that the kinetic energy lost is equal to the energy gained in the form of the pressure pulse, this does not take into consideration the effects of energy losses like heat noise and deformation. In another part of the experiment, the pressure transducer set up halfway along the pipe. i.e. 1.5meters away from the valve; this meant there is a time lag between the first wave and the second wave giving the opportunity to measure the speed of sound in water. Firstly the time lag need to be calculated, using 0.75 per division. In the first set up the time axis for the oscilloscope to 2.5milliseconds per division, therefore the time lag is 1.5 milliseconds. The time lag should roughly be a quarter of the time period, so it is as expected the time lag is 1.5625 milliseconds, which is very close to what experimentally gained therefore suggesting that the value has a slight error but not as significant error that the value cant be used to work out Ce. As a result the value of the time lag in the equation can be used An experimental value was given for the speed of sound in the water/pipe system which is 960m/s. This value is used to calculate the time it takes a single pressure pulse to travel a complete circuit of the pipe, in this case 6 meters, and the value is 4.523 milliseconds compared to 6.25 milliseconds from the sketch. The difference between these two values could be due to not reading the number of divisions accurately enough and also where the measure of the period from, both of which could have made the result closer to the result calculated. However the discrepancy might also be due to pulse travelling further than it is assumed. For the calculations, assumption is made that it is just travelling the length of the pipe, however the pulse might travel some distance into the header tank instead of being reflected back at the edge. This would then account for why the measured time period is longer, as it could be travelling further than the 6 meters as assumed. When looking at the table 6 -2 for the water hammer experiment, the predicted and experimental values for the speed of sound in water can be compared, peak pressure and also the duration of the first pulse. There is not much difference the experimental and predicted values of speed of sound in the water/pipe system, this indicates that the experiment went well and that the calculations and therefore the equations used are correct. However there is a significant difference between the peak pressure and also the duration of the pulse, it is quite likely that measured the duration of the pulse inaccurately as determined a rough value for how many divisions the period was, likewise with the amplitude of the pulse. Furthermore when calculating the experimental velocity of sound in water the time lag was used as the time in the equation and the time lag again was measured by reading how many divisions it took up and as a consequence was open to human error in reading it. From Figure 5 1 can be observe several reflected pressure waves. When the pulse is reflected as a low pressure wave, the pulse is going lower than the original start point. The pressure wave is actually reaching the vapour pressure of water and as a consequence the water is boiling and evaporating creating bubbles, this causes a vacuum to be created thus slowing down the pulse. The energy created from the boiling water soon dissipates and when there are not enough bubbles to slow down the pulse then a second pulse starts and the whole process repeats itself. The fact that the pulse is slowed down in the pressure trough by the vacuum and bubbles means that the pulses are not symmetrical. Studying the Figure 5 1 more closely, on the second pulse wave there is a small spike half way between the first pulse and the second pulse can be observe, this could be due to a number of reasons but the most likely is that it is the pulse that has been reflected back from the back of the Header tank. Ideally the experiment would be set up such that the header tank has a big enough change in volume and pressure compared to the pipe that it would act as a discontinuity and reflect the pulse back straight away. However in this case some of the pulse could be being reflected from the back wall of the header tank. This would also explain why there is a difference between some of our experimental and predicted results for the speed of sound in water, as we could be assuming that the distance travelled by the pulse is slightly shorter than it travelled in reality, thus having different values when calculating C. The reason why the amplitudes of the pulse wave are not symmetrical is partl y due to the vaporisation of the water and also as a consequence of friction, as the flow is slowed the frictional head loss also reduces and so the head at the valve increases to the equilibrium position of the static head, that is why the amplitudes converges towards the static equilibrium can be observe. Conclusions In conclusion, the results between theoretical and experimental were similar and close to each other. However, the slight discrepancies might due to human error, e.g. not recording the time as accurately and also the effects of friction will need to be taken in consideration. Therefore if the experiment is repeated to get better accuracy for the result can be more reliable to use. References Fluid Mechanics Laboratory Manual Level 1 and 2 notes on unsteady flow Douglas JF, Gasiorek JM and Swaffield JA, Fluid Mechanics, 4th ed, Prentice Hall, 2001. (ISBN 0582414768) Massey, B, Mechanics of Fluids, 8th ed, Taylor Francis, 2006 (ISBN 0-415-36206)
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Science vs Religion Essay -- Religion vs Education Essays
"Religion is part of the human make-up. It's also part of our cultural and intellectual history. Religion was our first attempt at literature, the texts, our first attempt at cosmology, making sense of where we are in the universe, our first attempt at health care, believing in faith healing, our first attempt at philosophy." --- Christopher Hitchens With the loud protests of a small number of religious groups over teaching scientific concepts like evolution and the Big Bang in public schools, and the equally loud proclamations of a few scientists with personal, anti-religious philosophies, it can sometimes seem as though science and religion are at war. News outlets offer plenty of reports of school board meetings, congressional sessions, and Sunday sermons in which scientists and religious leaders launch attacks at one another. But just how representative are such conflicts? Not very. The attention given to such clashes glosses over the far more numerous cases in which science and religion harmoniously coexist. The fact is, there are a great number of Americans out there ...
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Investigating the Relationship Between Women and Crime :: Papers
A consistent feature of the statistics, not only in England and Wales but across Europe and America, is that far fewer women are convicted of crime than men – a fact which has changed little over the years. Female offenders also show a different pattern of offending being less involved in violent offences and proportionately more involved in theft. In general most now accept that girls and women do commit fewer offences than boys. GENDER AND PATTERNS OF CRIME Writing in 1977 Carol Smart stated: Our knowledge is still in its infancy. In comparison with the massive documentation on all aspects of male delinquency and criminality, the amount of work carried out on the area of women and crime is extremely limited. Although the years since Smart’s study have seen much more interest in the study of female crime and deviance, many general theories in this area continue to neglect gender as a factor influencing criminality. This is despite the fact that official figures suggest that gender is perhaps the most significant single factor in whether an individual is convicted of crime. Any theories which fail to explain this relationship could therefore be seen as inadequate. OFFICIAL STATISTICS, CRIMINALITY AND GENDER Pollak – the ‘masked’ female offender – ‘chivalry’ thesis Writing in 1950, Otto pollak argued that official statistics on gender and crime were highly misleading. He claimed that the statistics seriously under-estimated the extent of female criminality. From an examination of official figures in a number of different countries he claimed to have identified certain crimes that are usually committed by women but are particularly likely to be unreported. Pollak went on to give reasons as to why there should be an under-recording of female crime. 1. He argues that the police, magistrates and other law enforcement officials tend to be men. Brought up to be chivalrous, they are usually lenient with female offenders so that fewer women appear in the statistics. However, he regards this as only a minor factor
Friday, October 11, 2019
Conviction of Louise Woodward
In this essay i will be writing and explaining how spoken language is used and adapted to influence the jury in the closing argument that convicted Louise Woodward. The prosecutor uses a variety of features in this argument to convince the jury persecute Louse Woodward. I will be going through these techniques and explaining why he uses them to influence the jury. Gerard T Leone Jr was the prosecutor in the case of the death of Mathew Eappen. He uses repetition in the first section of the argument by repeating the victim name, â€Å"Mathew Eappen. The repetitions show that he wants the jury to focus his attention on the victim. He wants the jury to feel emotionally connected to Mathew Eappen so it would affect the decision the jury makes. The repetition of â€Å"Mathew Eappen†encourages the acceptance of the idea that he was young and already dead because of Louise Woodward. It gives Mathew and the court people a mutual bond. He talk about Mathew Eappen by saying the things he hasn’t done to make the court feel pity toward him by saying that â€Å"Mathew Eappen will never take his first step. Mathew Eappen will never say his first word because Mathew Eappen is dead. An additional example of repetition is when the repeats the word explodes†when he talks about how the victims actually died. He repeats and uses this word as he is expected to use powerful language to convince the jury and the word â€Å"explodes†has imagery so when he says â€Å"Mattie’s head explodes†people visualise this shocking image. This is effective because he could have easily put up pictures of the wound but by making the audience visualise it, in some people minds the wound might appear more serious and horrifying than it was actually in real life.Another use of imagery is when he talk about the size of the wound . He doesn’t use an adjective or a simile but uses the name of an object to represent the wounds. In this context he uses a goose’s egg. He says in form of a rhetorical question that â€Å"she would have seen that goose egg on the back of his head†. He uses a goose egg because when you visualise it is very fragile and easily broken so this is referring to poor Mattie’s skull and that fact it uses a gooses egg over a daily , normal chicken eggs that this wasn’t a ordinary crack but bigger more sever crack which unfortunately cost Mathew Eappen his life.A technique that he uses is sarcasm; during the last section of the speech is that convicted Louise Woodward. Gerard talk about the testimony Louise gave about the death of Mathew Eappen. She saying the testimony that she popped Mathew on the floor but he replies by saying â€Å"that the word popped sounds like the word dropped, that the words popped sounds a little lie tossed. †This is sarcastic because he wants the people to know for sure that Louise dropped Mathew Eappen which cause his head to â€Å"explode. His using sarcasm to tell the jury that Louise Woodward is guilty without tell the jury and court directly that she is guilty. This is effective because not is he accusing her indirectly but he is confirming that the injuries were caused by Louise Woodward. The prosecutor uses many rhetorical questions through out the argument because these make the audience think and have time to answer the questions in the minds even thought Gerard T Leone is not asking for an answer he is giving question after question so the audience can think about them and find out the point he is trying to make.In the middle of the argument he shows this by saying â€Å"Don’t you think she would have seen that goose egg on the back of his head? Don’t you think she would have preceded some swelling, some injury to the back of Mathew Head? †Another example of him using a rhetorical question is when he says â€Å"Why would Sergeant Detective Bill Burn lie? Former marine twenty five years on the for ce. †In this context he uses a rhetorical question that is leading so the court will automatically think that what Bill Burn said wasn’t a lie .The question is leading because he follows the question with â€Å"former marine twenty five years on the force. †This makes Bill sound trustworthy and Louise Woodward guiltier. Using rhetorical questions is great because as a prosecutor you would expect them to question the case and use rhetorical question to convince the court men. The prosecutor has used a variety of techniques through out his argument to convince the jury to convict Louise Woodward. I believe this is a great piece of spoken language as well as having many features the prosecutor is adding emotion and moods by changing some words.A example of this is when he says â€Å"She was bathing Mattie like she was supposed to,’ he uses the name Mattie instead of Mathew because it signifies how young he was and Mattie is the name that the people with the closest relationship would call him such as his parent, so by calling him Mattie he is creating sorrow and pity by talking about the loss of someone so loved. Overall this is a very convincing argument and is structured carefully so all details correspond with each other creating an organised power and strong argument.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Balance in Life
Living in today’s fast-paced lifestyle is a very common scene among us and sometimes we took for granted that our life is no longer in balance. Our way of life is already a very stressful one for the reason that we do not know how to balance it anymore. Some of us may able to ask ourselves with â€Å"what does it feels like having a balance life? †, â€Å"how can we achieve that balance so we could minimize our stress? †, and â€Å"what is life in balance means? †Defining balance in life is a very vague perception among people.We all have different ideas about the subject and we have different ways of measuring it (Mundell, 2004). Moreover, knowing what balance in life means would also depend on the context of the conversation and the person’s viewpoint. (Lockwood, 2003) â€Å"A figurative definition of balance refers to a big-picture notion of our lives as a whole. †(MSN Arabia, 2005) We try to define balance by comparing our normal daily activities with an additional tasks, like for instance of being a mother, a wife and going on a job. Achieving this balance in life is through adjusting our priorities and knowing what is important to us.As a mother, a wife and a worker/employee, we try to balance the conflicts that exist between the need for security with work and the need to satisfy our family. (MSN Arabia, 2005) We define balance in life as it relies on our desire to feel successful both at work and our personal life at the same time. (Mundell, 2004) Balance in life could mean having a balance diet also. Our body needs a well balanced diet, like good supply of carbohydrates, especially high-fiber foods, water, vitamins and minerals, a certain amount of protein, fat, and bacteria.Thus, in preparing our meals, we can control what we are going to add on it and what we are going to cut back, like adding more fruits and vegetables to our food and cutting back those saturated fats. (MSN Arabia, 2005) Balance in life al so imply achieving physical balance both internal and external, thus, when we are able to achieve that physical balance, we can attain a sense of beauty. Because natures follow a balancing act, when we attain physical balance, we become more beautiful in the eyes of the beholder. (MSN Arabia, 2005)Generally, when we speak about balance, what comes into our mind is the management of time. Sometimes we always run out of time for ourselves, we always gave this time for other people especially for our love ones. When we already have to do something for ourselves to make us better, we always makes excuses that we are busy enough that we do not have time to do it, and we are tired of doing it. Continuing this unhealthy habit of time management would just make our task or work unproductive, even worst we could also make the people around us feel ungrateful.Thus, if we both have balance in life and time management in harmony with each other, we can have effectiveness in everything we do. We could find a room and a time to do everything that we enjoy. Finding time for ourselves benefit us of self-confidence and pride in ourselves. (MSN Arabia, 2005) Balance in life could also mean helping conquering our limitations. Since fears set our limitations of doing something we love to do, we get frustrated in life by not achieving what we want. Once we can conquer that fear we are facing, our lives gets easier and we can enjoy being ourselves.We could accept our limitations at present but we could look forward improving it. Finally, balance in life means achieving a fulfillment. We need to balance ourselves such that the various elements in our life focus on our fulfillment, to help us eventually reach a level where we can pursue our personal desires. (MSN Arabia, 2005) We need to work in balancing our life or else we will lose the balance of body, mind, and soul. Sources: MSN Arabia, (2005). Adding Balance Back to Life. Retrieved March 27, 2007, from MSN Arabia Web site: http ://www.arabia. msn. com/Family_Home/health_fitness/17/ Mundell, Heather (2004, November 9). Ending the Battle for Balance. Retrieved March 27, 2007, from Selfgrowth. com: The Online Self Improvement Encyclopedia Web site: http://www. selfgrowth. com/articles/Mundell1. html Lockwood, Nancy R. (2003, June). Work/life balance: challenges and solutions – 2003 Research Quarterly. HR Magazine, Retrieved March 27, 2007, from http://findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m3495/is_6_48/ai_102946878 (Lockwood, 2003)
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Jeremy Bentham Biography Essay
â€Å"Jeremy Bentham was an English philosopher†that â€Å"is primarily known†for his philosophical contribution, the ethical theory of utilitarianism (Sweet). Utilitarianism is the ethical theory that states that the best action is the one that brings about the greatest amount of good for the greatest number of people (DeGeorge 44). Specifically, Bentham was a hedonistic utilitarian arguing that â€Å"what ultimately motivates us is pleasure and pain†(Sweet). Bentham over the course of his life gave a lot to the field, whose influence is still seen today. Jeremy Bentham was born into a line of attorneys on February 15, 1748, in the town of Houndsditch, London (Sweet). Bentham studied so intensely, â€Å"often eight to twelve hours a day†, that when he reached the age of sixteen he had already graduated from Queen’s College at Oxford and was continuing in his father’s and grandfather’s footsteps to becoming an attorney by studying law at Lincoln’s Inn (Sweet). Although Bentham was qualified, he never practiced law, but instead chose to write on the philosophy of law and focused on â€Å"critiquing the existing law†and was a strong advocate for legal reform (Sweet). In 1785, Bentham along with his brother worked on a project called ‘Panopticon’, that he hoped would garner the attention of the Czarina Catherine the Great (Sweet). Unfortunately, the project, which Bentham hoped would be â€Å"a model prison where all of the prisoners would be observable by (unseen) guards at all times†, was not a great success (Sweet). Even though Bentham was not largely appreciated, he was still able to continue his writings and work with the financial stability afforded to him from an inheritance. Bentham’s most notable writing seems to be, Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation. Three of the biggest principals that run throughout the book, as well as most of Bentham’s works are: â€Å"the greatest happiness principle, universal egoism, and the artificial identification of one’s interests with those of others†(Sweet). Bentham’s fundamental principle, the greatest happiness principle, says that human beings motivated by pleasure and deterred by pain is what determines the degree of happiness, which Bentham also calls â€Å"the principle of utility†(Sweet). This principle adds a level of objectivity to a very subjective discipline, allowing it to be clearer, more observable, and measurable (Sweet). Bentham also had strong views on the concept of natural rights. According to Bentham, rights or a lack thereof are formed through the law or â€Å"within a legal system where the law is silent†and therefore â€Å"the term ‘natural right’ is a ‘perversion of language†(Sweet). Jeremy Bentham has made a large contribution to the field of ethics through his lifelong dedication to his theory and principles. Bentham coming from a back ground of law was able to quantify ethics in a way that others did not do, allowing it take into consideration the greatest number of people. Works Cited De George, Richard T. Business Ethics. 7th ed. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall, 2010. Print. Sweet, William. â€Å"Jeremy Bentham (1748â€â€1832).†Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 11 Apr. 2001. Web. 25 Jan. 2013. .
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