Tuesday, November 26, 2019
The Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004 Essay Essays
The Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004 Essay Essays The Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004 Essay Paper The Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004 Essay Paper Introduction As an archipelago. the Philippines is surrounded with H2O. It ranks 4th with the longest coastline in the universe mensurating 36. 289 kilometer ( 22. 559 stat mis ) while its H2O country covers 1. 830 sq kilometer ( The World Factbook ) . The country’s H2O resources have played a important function in its development. However. some development attempts. combined with the lifting demands of the ever-increasing population. have caused harm to these H2O resources. In response. a jurisprudence was signed to â€Å"pursue a policy of economic growing in a mode consistent with the protection. saving and resurgence of the quality of our fresh. brackish and marine waters†( Section 2 ) . Republic Act ( R. A. ) No. 9275 titled â€Å"An Act Providing for a Comprehensive Water Quality Management and for Other Purposes†. besides known as the Filipino Clean Water Act of 2004 ( CWA ) . was signed by former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo on March 22. 2004. It took consequen ce on May 6. 2004. with its Implementing Rules and Regulation ( IRR ) contained in the Department of Environment and Natural Resources ( DENR ) Administrative Order ( A. O. ) No. 2005-10. Coverage The jurisprudence applies to H2O quality direction in all H2O organic structures. It chiefly applies to the suspension and control of pollution from land-based beginnings. The H2O quality criterions and ordinances and the civil liability and penal commissariats under the jurisprudence shall be enforced irrespective of beginnings of pollution ( Section 3 ) . In add-on to modulating pollution of H2O organic structures. DENR shall explicate and use criterions for the conveyance and disposal of wastewater. sewerage and septage offsite. whether offshore or on land every bit good as disposal of single effluent on land. The Department of Agriculture ( DA ) shall develop guidelines for re-use of effluent for irrigation intents or as dirt conditioner or fertiliser ( Rule 3. 1 ) . Institutional mechanism The Department of Environment and Natural Resources ( DENR ) . as the primary bureau responsible for the execution of the CWA. shall take the lead in the readying. execution. and enforcement of the followers ( Rule 19 ) : National H2O quality position study – this study shall place ( a ) the location of H2O organic structures. their quality. taking into history seasonal. tidal and other fluctuations. bing and possible utilizations and beginnings of pollution per specific pollutant and pollution burden appraisal ; ( B ) H2O quality direction countries. and H2O categorization ( Rule 19. 1 ) . Integrated Water Quality Management Framework ( IWQMF ) – this may incorporate. but non limited to the followers: ( a ) appraisal of policies and institutional agreements and capacities relevant to H2O quality direction including the scheme of degeneration to LGUs ; ( B ) direction schemes ; ( degree Celsius ) sustainable funding schemes ; and ( vitamin D ) public presentation monito ring ( Rule 19. 2 ) . Water Quality Management Area ( WQMA ) Action Plan for each WQMA – includes. but non limited to. the undermentioned: ( a ) ends and marks including sewage or septage plan. ( B ) agenda of conformity to run into the applicable demands of this Act ; ( degree Celsius ) H2O pollution control strategies or techniques ; ( vitamin D ) H2O quality information and instruction plan ; e ) resource demand and possible beginnings ; degree Fahrenheits ) enforcement processs of the program and ( g ) wagess and inducements ( Rule 19. 3 ) Groundwater exposure mapping- the DENR through the Mines and Geosciences Bureau ( MGB ) shall print a national groundwater exposure map ( regulation 19. 4 ) . which means the identified countries of the land surface where groundwater quality is most at hazard from human activities and shall reflect the different grades of groundwater exposure based on a scope of dirt belongingss and hydro geological standards to function as usher in the protection of the grou ndwater from taint ( Section 4 T ) . Water quality guidelines – these shall reflect the latest scientific cognition on the undermentioned affairs: ( a ) effects of pollutants on public wellness. biological diverseness. aquatic life. productiveness and stableness. including information on the factors impacting rates of eutrophication and rates of organic and inorganic deposit for changing types of waterways. bio-accumulation of chemicals ; ( B ) concentration and dispersion of pollutants including of course happening pollutants in extremely mineralized countries. through physical. chemical and biological procedures ; pollution burden may besides be used together with the concentration strategy ; and ( degree Celsius ) good utilizations of the receiving H2O organic structure ( Rule 19. 5 ) . Effluent criterions – means any legal limitation or restriction on measures. rates. and/or concentrations or any combination thereof. of physical. chemical or biological parametric quantities of wastewater which a individual or point beginning is allowed to dispatch into a organic structure of H2O or land ( Section 4 N ) . Procedures for trying and analysis of pollutants – the DENR shall follow alternate internationally recognized trial processs for trying and analysis of pollutants ( Rule 19. 7 ) . Accreditation system of research labs – the DENR. in coordination with DOST. DTI. DOH. and other concerned bureaus. academia. professional associations. and private sector. shall explicate. maintain. and pull off a system of accreditation for research labs ( Rule 19. 8 ) . Classs of point and non-point beginnings – the DENR shall publish and print guidelines on the ( a ) designation and rating of the nature and extent of non-point beginnings of pollution ; and ( B ) processes. processs. and methods to command pollution ensuing at that place from ( Rule 19. 9 ) . Point beginning means any identifiable beginning of pollution with specific point of discharge into a peculiar H2O organic structure ( Section 4 aa ) . Non-point beginning – means any beginning of pollution non identifiable as point beginning to include. but non be limited to. overflow from irrigation or rainwater. which picks up pollutants from farms and urban countries ( subdivision 4 omega ) . Categorization of groundwater beginnings – The Environmental Management Bureau ( EMB ) of DENR shall organize with the NWRB and other relevant bureaus in the categorization of groundwater beginnings. ( Rule 19. 10 ) . Categorization and re-classification of H2O organic structures – All H2O organic structures shall be classified harmonizing to their possible good use. taking into history. among. others. the undermentioned: ( a ) bing quality of the organic structure of H2O ; ( B ) size. deepness. surface country covered. volume. way. rate of flow and gradient watercourse ; ( c ) most good existing and future usage of said organic structures of H2O and lands surrounding them. such as for residential. agricultural. aqua cultural. commercial. industrial. navigational. recreational. wildlife preservation and aesthetic intents ; and ( vitamin D ) exposure of surface and groundwater to taint from polluted and risky wastes. agricultural chemicals and belowground storage armored combat vehicles of crude oil merchandises ( Rule 19. 11 ) Information and airing runs – these cover the effects of H2O pollution on wellness and environment. H2O quality direction. and resource preservation and recovery to promote an environmentally action-oriented society in coordination with other authorities bureaus ( Section 19 N ) . On the other manus. the Local Government Units ( LGUs ) are responsible in the direction and betterment of H2O quality within their territorial legal powers. Each local authorities unit shall. through its Environment and Natural Resources Office ( ENRO ) established in Republic Act No. 7160. have the undermentioned powers and maps ( Section 20 ) : a ) Monitoring of H2O quality ; B ) Emergency response ;degree Celsius ) Conformity with the model of the Water Quality Management Action Plan ; vitamin D ) To take active engagement in all attempts refering H2O quality protection and rehabilitation ; and e ) To organize with other authorities bureaus and civil society and the concerned sectors in the execution of steps to forestall and command H2O pollution. Furthermore. the DENR and the LGUs. in coordination with the appropriate authorities bureaus. And in audience with the concern and industrial sectors including commercialism. shall explicate appropriate inducements for the acceptance procedures that will continue and protect our H2O organic structures through the debut of advanced equipment and processes that cut down if wholly extinguish discharge of pollutants into our H2O organic structures ( Section 21 ) . The Department and its concerned affiliated bureaus including the Laguna Lake Development Authority ( LLDA ) shall organize and come in into understanding with other authorities bureaus. industrial sector and other concerned sectors in the promotion of the aims of this Act- The undermentioned bureaus shall execute tile maps specified hereunder ( Section 22 ) : a ) Philippine Coast Guard in coordination with DA and the DENR shall implement for the enforcement of H2O quality criterions in marine Waterss. set pursuant to this Act. specifically from offshore beginnings ; B ) The Department of Public Works and Highways ( DPWH ) through its affiliated bureaus. such as the Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System ( MWSS ) . Local Water Utilities Administration ( LWUA ) . and including other urban H2O public-service corporations for the proviso or sewage and sanitation installations and the efficient and safe aggregation. intervention and disposal of sewerage within their country of legal power ; degree Celsius ) the Department of Agriculture ( DA ) . shall organize with the DENR in the preparation of guidelines for the re-use of effluent for irrigation and other agricultural utilizations and for the bar. control and suspension of pollution from agricultural and aquaculture activities. the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources ( BFAR ) of the DA shall be chiefly responsible for the bar and control of H2O pollution for the development. direction and preservation of the piscaries and aquatic resources ; vitamin D ) The Department of Health ( DOH ) shall be chiefly responsible for the announcement. alteration and enforcement of imbibing H2O quality criterions ; e ) The Department of Science and Technology ( DOST ) . in coordination with the Department and other concerned bureaus. shall fix a plan for the rating. confirmation. development and public airing of pollution bar and cleaner production engineerings ; and f ) The Department of Education ( DepEd ) . Commission Higher Education ( CHED ) . Department of the Interior and Local Government ( DILG ) and Philippine Information Agency ( PIA ) shall help and organize with the Department in. the readying and execution of a comprehensive plan pursuant to the aims of this Act. The DENR. in coordination with the Departm ent of Science and Technology ( DOST ) . other concerned bureaus and academic research establishments. shall set up a national research and development plan for the bar and control of H2O pollution. As portion of said plan. the DOST shall carry on and advance the coordination and acceleration of research. probe. experiments. preparation. study and surveies associating to the causes. extent. bar and control of pollution among concerned authorities bureaus and research establishments ( Section 24 ) . National H2O quality direction fund A National Water Quality Management Fund to be administered by the DENR. in coordination with other concerned bureaus. as a particular history in the National Treasury. is established and to be used to finance the followers ( Section 9 ) : a ) Finance containment and clean-up operations of the authorities in H2O pollution instances ; B ) Guarantee Restoration of ecosystems and rehabilitation of affected countries ; degree Celsius ) Support research. enforcement and monitoring activities ; vitamin D ) Provide proficient aid to the implementing bureaus ; vitamin E ) Grant wagess and inducements ; degree Fahrenheit ) Support information and educational run ; and g ) Such other expenses made entirely for the bar. control or suspension of H2O pollution and direction and disposal of the direction countries in the sums authorized by the Department. In add-on. the Area Water Quality Management Fund is established for the care and care of the H2O organic structures in a H2O quality direction country. The fund shall be utilized for the grant of wagess and inducements for entities whose outflowing discharges are better than the H2O quality standards of the mark categorization of the having organic structure of H2O. loans for acquisitions and fixs of installations to cut down measure and better quality of effluent discharges. and regular care of the H2O organic structures within the direction country ( Section 10 ) . Water pollution licenses and charges A effluent charge system in all direction countries will be implemented. Effluent charges shall be established taking into consideration the followers ( Section 13 ) : a ) To supply strong economic incentive for defilers to modify their production or direction procedures or to put in pollution control engineering in order to cut down the sum of H2O pollutants generated ; B ) To cover the cost of administrating H2O quality direction or betterment plans ; degree Celsiuss ) Reflect amendss caused by H2O pollution on the environing environment. including the cost of rehabilitation ; vitamin D ) Type of pollutant ; vitamin E ) Categorization of the receiving H2O organic structure ; and degree Fahrenheit ) Other particular properties of the H2O organic structure. The discharge license. stipulating. among others. the measure and quality of wastewater that said installations are allowed to dispatch into a peculiar H2O organic structure. conformity agenda and monitoring demand shall be the legal mandate from the DENR to dispatch effluent ( Section 14 ) . Prohibited Acts of the Apostless The undermentioned Acts of the Apostless are herewith prohibited ( Section 27 ) : a ) Discharging. lodging or doing to be deposited stuff of any sort straight or indirectly into the H2O organic structures or along the borders of any surface H2O. where. the same shall be apt to be washed into such surface H2O. either by tide action or by storm. inundations or otherwise. which could do H2O pollution or hinder natural flow in the H2O organic structure ; b ) Discharging. injecting or leting to ooze into the dirt or sub-soil any substance in any signifier that would foul groundwater. degree Celsius ) Operating installations that discharge regulated H2O pollutants without the valid required licenses or after the license was revoked for any misdemeanor of any status therein ; vitamin D ) Disposal of potentially infective medical waste into sea H2O by vass unless the wellness or safety of persons on board the vas is threatened by a great and at hand hazard ; e ) Unauthorized conveyance or du mping into sea Waterss of sewerage sludge or solid waste as defined under Republic Act No. 9003 ; degree Fahrenheit ) Transport. dumping or discharge of forbidden chemicals. substances or pollutants listed under Republic Act No. 6969 ; g ) Operate installations that discharge or let to ooze. wilfully or through gross carelessness. forbidden chemicals. substances or pollutants listed under R. A. No. 6969 into H2O organic structures or wherein the same shall be apt to be washed into such surface. land. coastal. and marine H2O ; H ) Undertaking activities or development and enlargement of undertakings. or runing wastewater/sewerage installations in misdemeanor of Presidential Decree. No. 1586 and its implementing regulations. and ordinances ; I ) Dispatching regulated H2O pollutants without the valid required discharge license pursuant to this Act or after the license was revoked for any misdemeanor of status therein ; J ) Non-compliance of the LGU with the Water Quality Framework and Management Area Action Plan. In such a instance. countenances shall be imposed on the local authorities functionaries concerned ; K ) Refusal to let entry. review and monitoring by the Department in conformity with this Act ; cubic decimeter ) Refusal to let entree by the Department to relevant studies and records in conformity with this Act ; m ) Refusal or failure to subject studies whenever required by the Department in conformity with this Act ; n ) Refusal or failure to denominate pollution control officers whenever required by. the Department in conformity with this Act ; and o ) Directly utilizing supporter pumps in the distribution system or fiddling with the H2O supply in s uch a manner as to change or impair the H2O quality. Fines. amendss and punishments Fines. amendss and punishments to be filed by the DENR Secretary. upon the recommendation of the Pollution Adjudication Board ( PAB ) . include ( Section 28 ) : For any individual perpetrating any of the forbidden Acts of the Apostless or go againsting any of the proviso of the jurisprudence or its IRR – non less than Ten 1000 pesos ( P10. 000. 00 ) nor more than Two 100 thousand pesos ( P200. 000. 00 ) for every twenty-four hours of misdemeanor ( to be increased by 10 per centum ( 10 % ) every two ( 2 ) old ages to counterbalance for rising prices and to keep the deterrent map of such mulcts ) ; closing. suspension of development or building. or surcease of operations or. where appropriate disjunction of H2O supply. until such clip that proper environmental precautions are put in topographic point and/or conformity with this Act or its regulations and ordinances are undertaken. Failure to set about clean-up operations. wilfully. or through gross carelessness – imprison ment of non less than two ( 2 ) old ages and non more than four ( 4 ) old ages and a all right non less than Fifty thousand pesos ( P50. 000. 00 ) and non more than One hundred 1000 pesos ( P100. 000. 00 ) per twenty-four hours for each twenty-four hours of misdemeanor. Failure or refusal to set about clean-up operations which consequences in serious hurt or loss of life and/or irreversible H2O taint of surface. land. coastal and marine H2O – imprisonment of non less than six ( 6 ) old ages and one twenty-four hours and non more than 12 ( 12 ) old ages. and a mulct of Five Hundred Thousand Pesos ( P500. 000. 00 ) per twenty-four hours for each twenty-four hours during which the skip and/or taint continues. For gross misdemeanor ( includes: ( a ) deliberate discharge of toxic pollutants identified pursuant to Republic Act No. 6969 in toxic sums ; ( B ) five { 5 ) or more misdemeanors within a period of two ( 2 ) old ages ; or ( degree Celsius ) blatant neglect of the orders of the PAB. such as the non-payment of mulcts. breakage of seals or runing despite the being of an order for closing. discontinuation or surcease of operation ) – with a mulct of non less than Five 100 thousand pesos ( P500. 000. 00 ) but non more than Three million pesos ( P3. 000. 000. 00 } per twenty-four hours for each twenty-four hours of misdemeanor or imprisonment of non less than six { 6 ) old ages but non more than ten { 10 ) old ages. or both. at the discretion of the tribunal. For misdemeanors falling under Section 4 of Presidential Decree No. 979 – a mulct of non less than Fifty thousand pesos { P50. 000. 00 ) nor more than One million pesos ( P1. 000. 000. 00 ) or by imprisonment of non les s than one { 1 ) twelvemonth nor more than six ( 6 ) old ages or both. for each discourtesy. without bias to the civil liability of the wrongdoer in conformity with bing Torahs. Water pollution instances affecting Acts of the Apostless or skips - committed within the Laguna Lake Region shall be dealt with in conformity with the process under R. A. No. 4850 as amended. Repealed and amended Torahs The CWA repealed Presidential Decree No. 984 Supplying for the Revision of Republic Act No. 3931. Normally Known as the Pollution Control Law. and for Other Purposes. signed on August 18. 1976. On the other manus. the undermentioned Torahs are amended and modified consequently: Republic Act No. 6969 – An Act to Control Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes. Supplying Punishments for Violations Thereof. and for Other Purposes. signed on October 26. 1990 Republic Act No. 4850. as amended – An Act Making the Laguna Lake Development Authority. Ordering its Powers. Functions and Duties. Supplying Fundss Thereof. and for Other Purposes†signed on 18 July 1966. Presidential Decree No. 1586 – Establishing an Environmental Impact Statement System. Including Other Environmental Management Related Measures and for Other Purposes signed on June 11. 1978. Presidential Decree No. 1152 – Philippine Environmental Code signed on June 6. 1977 Presidential Decree No. 979 – Supplying for the Revision of Presidential Decree No. 600 Regulating Marine Pollution signed on August 18. 1976 Presidential Decree No. 856 – Code On Sanitation signed on December 23. 1975 Decision The Philippines is blessed with H2O resources. which have played a important function in its development. The CWA is one manner to safeguard these H2O resources. It provides countenances for those who will foul the H2O. The success of the CWA depends on its execution and on each individual’s attempt to protect these H2O resources.
Friday, November 22, 2019
African Americans in Science and Their Accomplishments
African Americans in Science and Their Accomplishments African Americans have made significant contributions in various fields of science. Contributions in the field of chemistry include the development of synthetic drugs for the treatment of chronic ailments. In the field of physics, African Americans have helped to invent laser devices for the treatment of cancer patients. In the field of medicine, African Americans have developed treatments for various diseases including leprosy, cancer, and syphilis. African Americans in Science From inventors and surgeons to chemists and zoologists, African Americans have made invaluable contributions to science and humanity. Many of these individuals were able to have great success in the face of bigotry and racism. Some of these notable scientists include: Otis BoykinDOB: (1920 - 1982)Major Accomplishments: Otis Boykin invented 28 electronic devices including the control unit for the heart pacemaker. He patented a wire precision resistor that was cost effective to manufacture and improved function in electronic devices such as transistor radios, missile systems, televisions, and IBM computers. Other inventions of Boykin include a burglar-proof cash register, an electrical resistance capacitor, and a chemical air filter. Dr. Ben CarsonDOB: (1950 - )Major Accomplishments: This Johns Hopkins pediatric neurosurgeon and professor led a medical team that became the first to separate Siamese twins successfully. Dr. Ben Carson was also the first to perform an interuterine procedure for the treatment of a hydrocephalic twin. He also performed a hemispherectomy (removal of half of the brain) in an infant to stop severe epileptic seizures. Emmett W. ChappelleDOB: (1925 - )Major Accomplishments: This biochemist worked for NASA and discovered a method for detecting bacteria in water, food, and body fluids through studies of bioluminescence. Emmett Chappelles studies in luminescence have also produced methods for using satellites for monitoring crops. Dr. Charles DrewDOB: (1904 -1950)Major Accomplishments: Best known for his work with blood plasma, Charles Drew helped set up the American Red Cross blood bank. He also established the first blood bank in England and developed standards for collecting blood and processing blood plasma. Additionally, Dr. Drew developed the first mobile blood donation centers. Dr. Lloyd HallDOB: (1894 - 1971)Major Accomplishments: His work in food sterilization and preservation improved processes in food packing and preparation. Dr. Lloyd Halls sterilization techniques have been adapted for use in the sterilization of medical equipment, spices, and pharmaceuticals. Dr. Percy JulianDOB: (1899 - 1975)Major Accomplishments: This research chemist is known for developing synthetic steroids for use in the treatment of arthritis and other inflammatory diseases. Dr. Percy Julian also developed a process for creating a soy protein foam that was used to extinguish fires on aircraft carriers. Dr. Charles Henry TurnerDOB: (1867-1923)Major Accomplishments: This zoologist and behavioral scientist is known for his work with insects. Turners studies with honey bees demonstrated that they can distinguish colors. Dr. Charles Henry Turner was also the first to demonstrate that insects can hear sounds. Dr. Daniel Hale WilliamsDOB: (1856-1931)Major Accomplishments: Dr. Daniel Williams founded the Provident Hospital in Chicago. In 1893, he performed the first successful open heart surgery. He is also the first African American surgeon to perform surgery on the pericardium of the heart to repair a wound. Other African American Scientists and Inventors The following table includes more information on African American scientists and inventors. African American Scientists and Inventors Scientist Invention Bessie Blount Developed a device to help disabled persons eat Phil Brooks Developed the disposable syringe Michael Croslin Developed the computerized blood pressure machine Dewey Sanderson Invented the urinalysis machine
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Product and Brand Management in Barclays Bank Essay
Product and Brand Management in Barclays Bank - Essay Example In terms of relative performance with in a market, a brands positioning can reflect a battle for the customers mind (Lilien, Rangaswamy & De Bryun, 2013, p. 99). By providing the customers services and products in retail banking the position of the Barclays bank in consumers mind is significant. This brings the competitive advantage to bank as more customers prioritize the Barclays bank for their personal and corporate requirements. The business process leads in the chosen markets of this organization and besides this they have culture based high performance and behavioural excellence. By this positioning strategy the organizations ideology of business, its capabilities to serve the customers, satisfaction of consumers and stake holders and ability to sustain in the competitive environment and making services and products of competitive advantage is efficiently possible.Strategies are the future actions plans that are to be implemented in accomplishments of goals and objectives of an organization. Positioning strategies are evolved when they are several well defined competitors are present with fairly unambiguous images (Stevens et al., 1997, p. 159)In the analysis it is found that the Barclays Bank has potential future positioning options which place the organization in the top position. There are two options which can be focused for the brands within the retail banking.The business process leads in the chosen markets of this organization and besides this they have culture based high performance and behavioural excellence. By this positioning strategy the organizations ideology of business, its capabilities to serve the customers, satisfaction of consumers and stake holders and ability to sustain in the competitive environment and making services and products of competitive advantage is efficiently possible.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Sales function for a company with foreign sales operation Assignment
Sales function for a company with foreign sales operation - Assignment Example For some time some women thought that by using tampon they will lose their virginity that led them to prefer pads over tampon (James, &Anthony, 2004). The new aggressive advertisements measures are part of high competitive campaigns to help penetrate the overseas market where religious and cultural issues prove to be a barrier. The risk associated with rolling out a single product in global market proved to be too high hence it was acquired by PROCTOR & GAMBLE. Tambrands has become part of P&G which has wide marketing and distribution capabilities. P&G Company has expanded over the recent years by procuring products and marketing the products globally. P&G had a good market reach which includes even third world countries. P&G has always spearheaded the use new media both radio and television as way advertising, in continuation P&G has stepped up its internet activities in the web to promote their products and they have launched a website that provides teenage girls with information about relationship and puberty(James, &Anthony,2004). In areas where the internet is not readily available i.e. sub Saharan Africa a personal approach has been applied by P&G. Working jointly with others like Always, P&G drives fundraiser for the united nations association for the campaign of ‘protecting future’ .a program designed to improve the African girl child
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Chemistry of Chocolate Essay Example for Free
Chemistry of Chocolate Essay Chocolate is made from the cacao bean. According to Rodney Lipson, â€Å"Cacao has been a cultivated crop for at least three thousand years, probably quite a bit more. The people who first utilized Cacao were the inhabitants of what is now Venezuela†(Lipson) This group of people would eventually spread the cacao bean in northwestern South America. Cacao was clearly highly valued by these people and they spread it northward through trade with their neighbors. It was probably the Maya, over 1500 years ago, who brought Cacao to Yucatan in what is now Mexico. The Aztecs who got Cacao from the Maya, used Cacao in a number of ways, one common way was as a bitter spice in food and possibly also as a base for pasta or bread, but the most well-known way that Cacao was as a drink. While the Maya drank Chocolate hot, the Aztecs seem to have often taken it cold. The Aztecs called the drink, and apparently the bean as well, Xocoatl. From this word comes the pan-European word Chocolate. When Europeans first made contact with the Aztec civilization, Cacao was being cultivated and used extensively. The Spanish Conquistadors quickly noticed the benefits of Chocolate and used it to keep their armies marching long distances with little food. From the Aztecs the Spanish took it to Europe. Chocolate was widely used in Catholic countries after 1569 when Pope Pius V declared that Chocolate, the drink, did not break the fast, despite the hearty nutritional aspects of Chocolate†(Lipson). Chocolate continued to be moved from country to country through trade and exploration. Soon chocolate found its way into America, and according to Lipson, â€Å"In 1900 Milton Snavely Hershey, a Mennonite from Pennsylvania, began producing milk-chocolate bars and kisses with great success. He was anti-alcohol and saw Chocolate as a good, profitable alternative. His empire grew even larger during World War I, when Milton Hershey encouraged the US Army to add four Hershey bars to each soldiers daily ration†(Lipson). Because of Hershey, chocolate was now affordable for everyone, and his methods of making chocolate are still used today. Peter’s chocolate tells us that chocolate is made by, â€Å"storing the cacao beans in silos or warehouse. These rooms are well aired, kept at cool temperature and the humidity regularly checked. Before the production stage, the beans are sorted and cleaned. Cocoa does not acquire the richness of its color and the fullness of its flavor until it is roasted. The degree of care given to this operation has considerable influence on the ultimate quality of the end product either cocoa powder or chocolate. When roasting is complete, the beans are cooled and their thin shells removed by a winnowing machine. The husked and winnowed beans are called nibs. Heres where the first secrets of the chocolate manufacturer come in. The nibs are blended, combining as many as eight to ten varieties. It is control of these subtle mixtures that maintains a constant quality and brings out the flavor of each particular variety of chocolate. The roasted and winnowed nibs then pass through refining mills and are ground. The heat generated by grinding causes the cocoa butter or fat to melt and form a fine paste or liquid known as chocolate liquor. This goes to large hydraulic presses which remove most of the cocoa butter. The cake which is left may eventually be made into cocoa powder. The cake goes through several processes in which it is crushed, milled and finely sifted. After the cocoa paste, cocoa butter, milk, sugar and additional flavorings have been carefully weighed out in accordance with the recipe, they go into a mixer where rotating, kneading arms thoroughly mix all the ingredients. The result is a homogeneous, paste-like mixture which is already pleasant to taste, but still feels gritty to the palate. The chocolate is put in a conching machine. While in the machine, the chocolate turns over in the conching machine, a controlled amount of air ventilates the mass, allowing the full aroma and flavor to develop. The still-warm conched chocolate is placed in a tempering machine so that it can be slowly and steadily cooled. The tempering prevents separation in the chocolate when its filled into bar molds and hardens†(Peter’s). This results in the average chocolate bar.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Our Town Mrs. Webb Is Mrs. Gib :: essays research papers
“Mrs. Gibbs is Mrs. Webb is Mrs. Gibbs'; Â Â Â Â Â In Thorton Wilder’s classic play about life in a small town, no other two characters share so much in common with one another as Mrs. Gibbs and Mrs. Webb do. Their purpose in the story, on a figurative level, is to represent the monolithic thinking of a small town. Emily Post, an American etiquette authority of the early 1900’s, said, “To do exactly as your neighbors do is the only sensible rule.'; Â Â Â Â Â Without a doubt, any intelligent reader of this play can see the obvious similarities between Mrs. Webb and Mrs. Gibbs. On a purely literal level, the two seem to run parallel to one another. For example, their morning routine is abnormally similar, they both attend choir practice, they both enjoy the town gossip, and the basic makeup of their families are the same. Â Â Â Â Â Looking deeper into the similarities of the two women on a figurative level, only demonstrates that both women can be considered one person. Not only do they act alike, but they think alike as well. Thorton Wilder’s use of two women who are virtually the same serves as an example of how the woman in Grover’s Corners act. In fact, Wilder’s use of these two women enforces the small town mentality, in which everyone should live by a set standard. Â Â Â Â Â These two women are pieces of the puzzle that is Grover’s Corners. They represent the “norm'; who is just another person who has lost his or her individuality. The two women are not meant to remain in the mind of the reader because of their performance. Oddly enough, their “claim to fame'; comes because of their lack of individuality. Therefore their sole purpose in the story is to provide the reader with a consensus of what Grover’s Corners is really about.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Canadian Strategy of Economic Development Essay
In this article the researchers have used secondary research and they have conducted intrevies and triangulation. They have emphasized that the colonialization has greatly affected the growth of Canada and the people however want a more tradionally and culturally grounded foundation. The indigenous people think that they have right to maintain their political, economics and social systems. The prevailing conditions are very bad as they people have a lot of health and educational problems. The article explain that the Canadian are currently pursuing a strategy of economic development with a social entrepreneurship as their core activity. The paper has in a very sound way defined the problems of the people and what they want. They say that economic development can be achieved by 4 ways first by having greater control of activities on their traditional lands. They should be more self determined and put an end to dependence on self sufficiency. They should preserve and strength their traditional values and apply them in economic development and their should be improved socio-economics circumstances for individuals. The researcher have tried to answer the question whether the indigenous people have the power for economic development. The say that they do have the power and currently followed three broad perspective firstly modernization in which till 1960 they used to follow the path of first world countries but it was useless after 1960 when most of Latin America failed. Second perspective was radical perspective which stated that everything is happening cause of the First world War however both these perspectives when applied in real world were illogical and the results gained from them were also not fruitful. Thirdly was the regulation perspective which is a new approach to development that emphasis contingency. They explained that the world has moved away from the concept of ‘0Invisible hand’ of perfectly functioning market they believe that everyone is working for their own benefit so the presence of a government is necessary. The problem with this perspective is that Scott stated that â€Å" Regulation theory does not preassemble the exact nature of a particular mode of social regulation each region can be regulated by a multiplicity of ways. PECK AND TICKBULL ALSO STATED THAT â€Å"THE MODES OF REGUYLZATION IS BASED UPON THINGS AS HABIT, social norms, enforceable laws and state forms. The researcher stated that they provided the people with a questionnaire in which they were asked to opt in or opt out. The people chose â€Å"Opt In†in which the people were ready to practicable in the global economic growth and were ready to take the necessary steps. In the article the researcher also pointed out that the land claims and economic growth can be both solved by government policy and development strategies of entrepreneurs. There could be more research in which they could ask the views of the people as to what they think should be done. More of primary research should be taken place as secondary data becomes outdated after some time period. More future research csan be done as to how more investors form other countries could be attracted to Canada. Whether their cultural is one that is welcoming and the nature of the people. More research should be done as to what roles government should play to make the people ready to move along with its policies. In tbhe End there were a lot of incidents which were related as to what decision the people and the government faced and what decision were taken. In the conclusion they have stated that they have decreased their role and interference in the lives of the people . More authority is given to the people so that the social economics objectives are achieved and how other economies like them can take measure like them in order to be more socially economic growth indigenous economies.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Irish Traditional Music
The Harp The harping tradition in Ireland flourished from medieval times until the seventeenth century. It was fostered and developed among the powerful and wealthy Irish and Anglo-Irish families. Harpers were employed along with poets and orators, known as reacoirs, to provide entertainment for the families. As the families acted as patrons to the harpers, they would often have solo pieces, known as planxties, written in their honour by their harper. One famous song is Planxty Kelly.The occupation of a harper was a very prestigious one. The harping tradition was passed on, father to son, for many years and was one of very few viable career options for blind boys at the time. However, after 1600, as the great families went into decline, there was a loss of patronage and harpers were left unemployed. The harping tradition then became a nomadic one, as harpers would travel from county to county, playing for money and food. There were two styles of harp: the Bardic harp and the Neo-Iris h harp.The Bardic harp had between 29 and 31 strings made of wire, which were played with the nails. Usually around 70cm in height with a curved pillar and a hollow soundbox, the Bardic harp was the more resonant of the two. The Neo-Irish harp typically had 34 strings made of nylon or cat gut, which were played with the pads of the fingers. They were taller (about 91cm in height) than the Bardic harp, but less resonant. In 1792 the Belfast Harp Festival was setup with the aim of preventing the decline of the harping tradition.It consisted of eleven harpers from the age of 15 to 97, playing pieces in their own particular style. One player that was the light of the day was Denis Hempson, age 97, being the oldest player there. Edward Bunting was commissioned by the Belfast Harp Society to record the lifestyles of the harpers as well as recording and writing down the music from the festival to preserve it for future generations. This method, unlike the oral tradition which had existed u p until then, did not allow for particular nuances in style and some of these were lost.There was a harping revival in the second half of the twentieth century. The role of the harp as a traditional instrument was led by Maire Ni Chathasaigh, who had solo albums such as â€Å"The New Strung Harp†and Laoise Kelly who release the album â€Å"Just Harp†Uilleann Pipes The uilleann pipes are the characteristic national Bagpipe of Ireland. Their current name (they were earlier known in English as â€Å"union pipes†) is a part translation of the Irish language term pioba uilleann (literally, â€Å"pipes of the elbow†), from their method of inflation.The uilleann pipes are distinguished from many other forms of bagpipes by their sweet tone and wide range of notes together with the unique blend of chanter, drones, and regulators. The bag of the uilleann pipes is inflated by means of a small set of bellows strapped around the waist and the right arm. The bellows not only relieve the player from the effort needed to blow into a bag to maintain pressure, they also allow relatively dry air to power the reeds, reducing the adverse effects of moisture on tuning and longevity.The chanter is the part of the instrument that plays the melody. It's somewhat like a low whistle except it is not placed in the mouth. Air is pumped through the bellows which is attached to the player's right elbow, hence the name. To achieve the â€Å"bottom D†the chanter is lifted off the knee, exposing the exit of the chanter's bore, where the note is produced. The chanter is set on the right knee thus closing off the bottom hole. Many players use a strip of leather placed over the knee, called a â€Å"popping strap,†which provides for an airtight seal.A great range of different timbres can be achieved by varying the fingering of notes and also raising the chanter off the knee, which gives the uilleann pipes a degree of dynamic range not found in other fo rms of bagpipes. A type of simultaneous vibrato and tremolo can be achieved by tapping a finger below the open note hole on the chanter. The bottom note also has two different â€Å"modes†, namely the â€Å"soft D†and the â€Å"hard D†. The hard bottom D sounds louder and more strident than the soft D and is accomplished by applying slightly more pressure to the bag and flicking a higher note finger as it is sounded.Many chanters are fitted with keys to allow accurate playing of all the semitones of the scale. Most uilleann chanters are very responsive to â€Å"half-holing†or â€Å"sliding†, which is the practice of obtaining a note by leaving a fingerhole only half covered. This is why many chanters sold in Ireland are sold without keys. The chanter uses a double reed similar to that of the oboe and bassoon. The regulators are equipped with closed keys which can be opened by the piper's wrist action enabling the piper to play simple chords, givi ng a rhythmic and harmonic accompaniment as needed. History The uilleann pipes developed around the beginning of the 18th century, the history of which is here depicted in prints of carvings and pictures from contemporary sources. The earliest surviving sets of uilleann pipes date from the second half of the 18th century but it must be said that datings are not definitive. Many of the early players in Ireland were Protestant, possibly the best known being the mid-18th century piper Jackson from Co Limerick. The pipes were certainly frequently used by the Protestant clergy who employed them as an alternative to the church organ.Tuning The instrument most typically is tuned in the key of D, although â€Å"flat†sets do exist in other keys. These terms only began to be used in the 1970s, when pipemakers began to receive requests for pipes that would be in tune with Generation tin whistles which are stamped with the key they play in: C, B? , etc. The chanter length determines the overall tuning; accompanying pieces of the instrument, such as drones and regulators, are tuned to the same key as the chanter.The D pipes are most commonly used in ensembles, while the flat-pitched pipes are more often used for solo playing. It is noteworthy that Irish music was predominately solo music until the late 19th century, when these fixed-pitch instruments began to play more of a role. Performers Davey Spillane of Moving Hearts has also recorded solo albums. Liam Og O Floinn of Planxty has also featured as soloist with Shaun Davey in The Brendan Voyage and with RTE orchestras. Paddy Maloney is with The Chieftains. Others from past and present include Seamus Ennis, Paddy Glackin and Paddy Keenan.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The Organization of African Unity History and Goals essays
The Organization of African Unity History and Goals essays The Organization of the African Unity is both the symbol and embodiment of age-old Pan-African yearnings that found remarkable expression in the 19th Century epics of scattered Africa Communities all over the world. A movement of self-assertin in its early days, Pan-Africanism evolved progressively into an organized force with cultural and political claims especially after World War II when it took on a continental dimension. At that time, African leaders disagreed about what the organization should be. Some leaders pushed for the creation of a central government that would unite all of Africa under one authority. However, most of the African nations had just recently gained independence from colonial rule and their leaders opposed the idea. The leaders eventually reached a compromise out in so doing created an organization that is controlled by its member nations leaving it with little power to act on its own. The Organization of African Unity was born to help strengthen ties between African nations, and settle disputes. It aso went through many problems which underminded its ability to achieve its goals. It also promoted continental peace, unity, and cooperation. The OAU works to resolve conflicts between nations and to coordinate political, econommic, cultural scientific, medical, and defense policis. The Organization of African Unity was founded in Addis Ababa on May 25, 1963. The OAU had open with 32 member nations whom which signed the Charter of the Organization by the Heads of State and Government of independent African States, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was also signed on that occasion. The first head chair of the OAU was Olympio Sylvannus. Olympio Sylvannus was born on September 6, 1902 in Agone, Togo. He was educated at the London School of Economics and later emplyed by the United African Company in 1926. He entered politics as ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
5 Things to Say to Your Boss if You Want to be Successful
5 Things to Say to Your Boss if You Want to be Successful Are you super professional and a little bit frightened of screwing up in front of your boss? That’s totally natural. But being meek and respectful and never challenging your employer can sometimes backfire. Some bosses prefer input and feedback from their employees. Make sure you’re giving it! Here are 5 things you should start incorporating into your interactions with your boss to form a more constructive relationship for the two of you.1. â€Å"You’re wrong†While you would never say this in a snide way, it is always important to be honest. If you can practice saying this with enough respect, you might just be able to prove your smarts and talents to your boss when she misses something and you see how you might save the day. If you just let her make an error, that’s on you. Be confident enough to point out what you see. That’s why you were hired! (Not to be a robot.)2. â€Å"No†Nobody wants a doormat. If something is a bad idea or you know you can’t deliver a project under the parameters set, then it is preferable to say â€Å"no†early rather than fail needlessly. Some bosses really like this, provided it clearly comes from a place of respect. Similarly, if you’re asked to do lots of things outside of office hours and you can’t keep it up, stand up for your work-life balance!As long as you’re doing your job and doing it well, setting boundaries for yourself is always a good idea. You’ll gain more respect that way than not.3. â€Å"I’m fixing it†So you screwed up. Nobody likes to greet their boss with that bad news. But a good boss would rather be alerted to problem early on- particularly if you can say, in that same breath, that you’re already on top of it and there should be very little fallout. It shows you’re trustworthy and good at coming up with solutions, even under fire: all great boss-impressing traits!4. â€Å"My mistake†On e of the hardest things to do is admit you’ve made an error- and not to make a million excuses immediately to let yourself off the hook. But if you can go to your boss, explain what you’ve done, and cop to it’s being a mistake? This shows your character and can actually lead you to a valuable learning experience. You may even expose a gap in the training for your position. Plus, you’re likely to not make the same mistake again.5. â€Å"I have an idea†In some ways, this is a magic phrase. Most CEOs are starving for good ideas. If you have one, speak up! Don’t be shy. Especially if your idea would save the company money, time, or other resources and streamline things. Be part of the progress!It might be scary to approach your boss and go off the script you learned at your first internship, but showing up this way as a grown-up and self-possessed employee can have major gains over the course of your big-kid career.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Case 12-1; Litchfield Corporation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Case 12-1; Litchfield Corporation - Essay Example This means that despite Litchfield Corporation of a favourable environment to operate in the UK, the perceived profits will decline as the margin is to be taxed by the federal government. The establishment of an offshore subsidiary firm enables the institution split its profits into two where; export profits from the sale of the umbrellas to the subsidiary which is subject to income tax while export profits from the subsidiary sales to foreign buyers is not subject to the US federal income tax unless distributed to the parent firm in the form of a dividend (Burman & Slemrod, 2013). Litchfield Corporation’s ambitious expansion certainly will have to handle and manage the risks that are associated with exportation so as to ensure maximum profitability and limits losses. The risks likely to be encountered include; Credit risk; this might affect the parent company since the credit worthiness of the offshore subsidiary may be questionable. The credit worthiness limits the risk of late payments, non-payments hence minimizes the risk of reduced profits. Transportation and logistics; the company faces the risks associated with movement of goods over long geographical locations. This increases the costs of operation since more is invested in risk transfer and profit margins are likely to be reduced. Therefore, the risks that might likely to affect the business need to be identified and proper steps undertaken so as to minimize the risk of loss of profit. Some of the risk management options include; insurance that covers country risk cover, credit risk cover, and transit risk cover ensuring that Litchfield competes profitably in UK. Cost-based; this is transfer price based on the cost of production of material. This determination is set to include a profit margin for the producer. However, the simplicity of application of the cost based transfer price method, two problems arise such as the measure of
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